A this’n’that sort of week in Eleuthera

A bit of a this’n’that sort of week in Eleuthera – not too much happening that’s exciting to write about so lots of little snippets. If you fall asleep reading this – yes I mean you dearest Bob ! – then just blame it on a slow week ……

We always have to keep the standards up with our properties and so this week we had screen doors fitted for the sliding doors at apartments 1 and 2 at Anchor Point. They are external retractable ones – pretty complicated when they don’t come with instructions !

One of the most boring shots ever - right ! if you look closely you can see the retractable screen .....
One of the most boring shots ever – right ! if you look closely you can see the retractable screen …..

Also rugs went down in the bedrooms at the same apartments. Maintenance is a vital part of the rental business and so we moved our beloved Sunny – the gardener at Colman Towers – down to Anchor Point to give it his special touch.

Softer underfoot now .....
Softer underfoot now …..
And here too ....
And here too ….

Up the hill here at Colman Towers Bob designed a sound baffle for the big generator . It has a lower level stone wall planter- beautifully executed by Manes – a very talented stone mason – which will have a vine or bougainvillea growing out of it – and then a wooden baffle with a lattice front to it that will be covered in the creeping whatever !

Getting on with the planter and the screen
Getting on with the planter and the screen

It has made a big difference to the sound level when the generator is running – although we love it – the sound could be a bit intrusive. now it is going to look good and serve it’s purpose.


While I was taking the previous shot I saw that our zucchini may actually grow properly this season
While I was taking the previous shot I saw that our zucchini may actually grow properly this season

Many of you will know Lionel Fernander who with his wife Jay owns and runs the Sunset Inn in Governors Harbour. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he is in hospital in Nassau after being involved in a road accident. I don’t know too many details but I do know that he has a broken pelvis and that he has had to have blood transfusions as well…… When I hear any more news I will pass it on ……

I must tell you about a beautiful meal that Bob and I enjoyed at Bacchus Fine Foods last Sunday. Angelika cooked Indian food – and any reader of this blog knows that I do love Indian food ! It was delicious – shrimp korma, buttered chicken, basmati rice, curried chickpeas , naan and a tomato, onion and cilantro salad. Absolutely heavenly. And a very big portion – but so delicious I had to eat the lot. Angelika of course will cook to order for you – so if you fancy trying her Indian food – give her a call…….

So darned good .....
So darned good …..

Next week Bob and I are off to Las Vegas – woo hoo ! – but it is to visit the Building Show – not so woo hoo for me but Bob is really looking forward to it. I do – of course – know that Las Vegas has some top eating spots and so I am concentrating on that – and packing my most comfortable shoes ! We went several times to the Building Show when it was held in Orlando and I remember the life being sucked out of me through my feet …. But that was in the days before I discovered FitFlops. Not the sexiest shoes around but ideal for traipsing miles through convention centers !!

The beach late afternoon where we take the dogs.....
The beach late afternoon where we take the dogs…..
Raring to go - Rudge on the left and Rufus on the right
Raring to go – Rudge on the left and Rufus on the right


16 thoughts on “A this’n’that sort of week in Eleuthera”

  1. I do wish BFF was nearer to us in Rainbow. We do not like to drive these roads at night. People just do not dim their lights.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      We are exactly the same about coming up to Rainbow bay……. Dangerous at the best of times – terrible at others ! lovely to see you the other day…..

  2. I loved seeing photos of the bougainville, and , I think, the beach at French Leave. It is nice to see just island photos. Not at all boring!

    Many thanks!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Actually that is Potlatch Beach – another favorite ! The bougainvillea is outside the Peach House and it is truly glorious….

  3. Wow, you can now eat seafood, lucky you! I’m still having some of the Ciguatera symptoms so I’m still on a very plain diet, not fun! Do yoi still have any of your symptoms?

  4. Wow, you can now eat seafood, lucky you! I’m still having some of the Ciguatera symptoms so I’m still on a very plain diet, not fun! Do you still have any of your symptoms?

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      I am being careful – definitely no grouper or conch yet. The only symptom I have left is the strange cold tingling on my lips and tongue – just like the feeling when you have been to the dentist and the anesthetic is wearing off. I am going to get some bloodwork done to check things out. I am not sure whether it shows up anything but it is worth a try …..

  5. I have the same strange tingling feeling on my lips and tongue but only when i add
    a new high histamine food item. I’ve talked to some people who are followed
    by specialists and they gave me a VERY long list of food to avoid. After like 3-6 months
    I’m supposed to slowly reintroduced one item at a time and see which one is ok for
    me. Right now im avoiding alcohol,fish, seafood, seeds (including oil), nuts, pork, all meats unless they are organic, gluten, spinach, avocados, tomatoes, all citrus, yeast fermented stuff like yogourt, cheese, vinegar, and more! I’m ok with organic eggs/milk.
    I can’t wait to be able to go to a restaurant and order whatever sounds good!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Goodness Chantal – make me wonder what you do eat ! It is such a pain isn’t it ? I have just been to have some blood tests done to see if there is any kidney function damage – I don’t think I have but I have been told to get it checked….. It is good to hear how you are doing. Keep fit up and I hope we will both be clear soon…..

  6. We highly recommend Mizumi for terrific Asian food in LV. It’s in the Winn hotel. Look at the signature dessert on its website. We’ve eaten there 4 times, twice in one week on one visit!!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Oh Kay – this is just what I was hoping for. I just love Asian food so we will definitely try and get in there. Lovely to hear from you. Did you read about the writing workshop that Chrissan Nickel and her friend Mariah Moyle are doing at Governors Estate ? Fancy coming over for it ?? You can see it on the Women Who Live on Rocks website….. I hope that all is well with you both.

  7. Yes, hope your blood tests came back normal and cheers to a complete recovery for both of us! Do you find that some specific food items triggers your symptoms and are you taking any kind of meds or natural remedies?

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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