This week we are paying tribute to Mr Joshua Culmer MBE who has died. He was 84 years old and lived a good life fulfilling his life’s purpose of doing the best he could to help his community.

He was a Justice of the Peace , a Notary Public and of course a marriage officer of which we had personal experience. In September 2005 he performed the marriage of Bob’s daughter Sami and her husband Billy in the garden of Buena Vista.

Then in 2010 Bob and I renewed our marriage vows on December 14th with Joshua presiding at Cocodimama.
He was awarded an MBE in June 2016 in recognition of the work he had done over the years to help the community in Eleuthera. He was a stalwart friend to us throughout our years here on island and we will miss him. When Theo , my late stepfather was dying he would come to their house and sing hymns and read prayers to comfort him. His was a life well lived and although his death from a brain aneurism was unexpected and sudden his family and friends find comfort in the knowledge that he always did his very best in a kind and thoughtful way. He will be missed.
The funeral is on Saturday 4th March at 10am in Palmetto Point at the Methodist Church.
Monday was Mum’s birthday – we celebrated with a lunch at Sprawling Towers on Sunday as well as a lovely birthday cake baked by the inimitable Dan Blow. It was pretty low key but enjoyable this year……

This week’s shipment had our curtains, or drapes as they are called in the US, in it – so by Monday afternoon I was up the step ladder hanging them. I used to fit curtain tracks and hang the curtains all by myself back in the UK – back in the day ! Goodness me I am out of practice – I hung 3 pairs on Monday and 3 pairs on Tuesday and I was absolutely exhausted. It came as a bit of a shock I have to admit to realize that the years do take somewhat of a toll – but they are up and looking gorgeous. Thanks to the great skill of Joy Agius they look fantastic …..

Also in the shipment were the long awaited door handles – first one fitted to the powder room ….

Now this was a surprise on Wednesday morning – the uphill road completely torn up for a total rebuild !
And the vehicle that did it !
Not sure how long it will take to get this all done but a bit of disruption to say the least !
Have a great weekend , live each day as if it may be your last and spread a little love and kindness wherever you go …..
4 thoughts on “A tribute to the late Joshua Culmer MBE”
So the down hill will be two-way for the duration?! Hope it’s not too long!
At the moment you have to go through Betsyville – and then turn right up the up hill – not sure how this is going to work…. All a bit chaotic !
Wonderful pictures and thoughts about the tribute to Joshua. A sad loss, but life well lived. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Angela – lovely to hear from you….