A Trip with Fishbone Tours and other news

So last week we took a short and sedate trip with Fishbone Tours – with Sami and Billy of course. Bob has been out with Julius Rankine of Fishbone Tours before – but none of the rest of us had so we decided to have a little fun on a Friday morning and see the sights of Savannah Sound.

Needless to say I was very nervous about Bob being on the boat but Julius assured me that he would take it very gently and it was a very calm day.

We saw lots of turtles and Julius is very knowledgeable about everything to be found both in the Sound as well as talking about the Atlantic Ocean as well. Of course he is extremely keen on the conservation and preservation of sea and bird life as well as the mangroves and talked very interestingly about it all.

He showed us this beautiful starfish – such a stunning orange – my favorite color as you all know ! and more importantly showed us how to put them safely back in the water. You have to make sure that they are not floating – otherwise they will die. If you tilt them to one side whilst in the waterthey fill with water again and the air bubbles all come out and they glide back down to the bottom.

This is the underside with it’s mouth in the middle

We also saw this upside down jellyfish – or to give it it’s proper name Cassiopea – and some beautiful big rays. Being on the water was very calming and relaxing although I know that a lot of Julius’s trips are a good deal more exciting. We absolutely loved our time out with him and I can’t recommend him highly enough – next time you are here give yourselves a treat and take one of his tours. You can contact him on 242 819 4960 or 242 359 7271

These upside down jellyfish have a very mild sting which is released from the mucus underneath if they are disturbed from the underneath – in other words very unlikely to cause any harm – otherwise Julius would not be handling it like this

Apologies that I simply cannot remember the name of the lovely young man who works along with him – just gone out of my head. It was one of those trips that although I knew I was going to write about it I wanted to just experience it so I didn’t write anything down or even take many pictures – it was something to really be in the moment with.

Now on to Sprawling Towers – the roof joists are pretty much all up now and it really feels like a big step forward. The shadows are very arty and beautiful that are cast by the joists but actually it will be even more exciting when the roof goes on……

Better pictures next week – although I think I may have said that before

Finally news on Bob’s surgery. We flew into Nassau on Sunday and Bob was admitted to Doctors Hospital with 24 hours notice ! There seems to be a small window of slightly less Covid cases so the surgeon and his team decided to move quickly on it.

About to board the plane to take us to Nassau …

Bob had his operation on Tuesday – one of the longest days of my life. I finally heard from the surgeon at 10pm and he told me it was all done. The implants and plates are in and so it will be a lot safer. We are so full of gratitude for the whole team at Doctors Hospital in Nassau who made it all happen.

Now the recovery and recuperation period begins along with a little – or rather a lot of patience.

Thank you to everybody who has sent love and good wishes and prayers – so very much appreciated.

23 thoughts on “A Trip with Fishbone Tours and other news”

  1. Hi Kathy,

    Glad to hear about Bob. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

    Been keeping up with the Blog each week.

    Missing our special place. Hopefully getting back there in the Spring.

    Stay well

    Warm regards,

    Susan, Judy and Joe from LI

  2. Sending our thoughts and prayers for a speedy and successful recovery for Bob. Please remember to take care of yourself too. Hugs to you both.

  3. So glad the surgery is behind you . Now everything is forward moving . Now it is time for lots of rehab, good luck

    1. Thank you Soraya – hope that all is well with you. Looking forward to getting Bob home in the next 10 days or so ….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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