Date night at Tippy’s ……

Yes – you read that right – we had a date night last week at Tippy’s – and very enjoyable it was too ! I don’t know about the rest of you but we seem to have forgotten how nice it can feel to go out at night to have a meal. Since lockdown we have definitely got out of the habit of going out in the evening to eat at a restaurant unless we are in the US – so it was a really nice change to get smartened up last week and trip off to Tippy’s.

Date night !!

Although it was early evening there were a lot of people there – mostly they all looked like visitors rather than homeowners. So with the place buzzing we sat down just inside the open wall facing the ocean. Most of the people were sitting outside on the veranda tables which is why you don’t see anyone at the inside tables. We started with a really delicious beet salad and then shared a pizza – the service was great – most of the staff are young, enthusiastic and very eager to please. Actually most staff in restaurants appear young to us these days – could it possibly be our age ?? Anyway – it was a fun night and gave us a real boost to get a little bit back in the groove ……

Who knows where it all may end !

Bob and I have both had a horrible cold / virus – Bob got it a couple of days in front of me and then I followed suit. What a pain – bad nights sleeping – feeling lousy and not able to summon the energy to do much….. It is a cliche but it’s true that you forget how lucky you are to have good health until something like this brings you down – but thank goodness we are both on the mend now. Lots of good nourishing food and plenty of sleep should get us back on the right path.

It is always such a treat for me when readers of the blog introduce themselves and this week at Hot Buns Bob and I met a lovely couple – Jennifer and James from St Augustine. We had about finished our lunch when then came in and said hello – so of course I had to get a picture of them with the staff and their lunch ! It really made my day and so here they are !

Great picture of a lovely couple and very good staff ….

Of course this weekend is the start of the American Independence day celebrations – Monday is actually 4th July but I’m sure that the celebrations will begin over the weekend. We hope that you all have a great time with beach barbecues, fireworks and whatever else traditions you enjoy.

Bahamian Independence Day falls on July 10th – which is a Sunday this year so the public holiday will be on Monday July 11th.

Sprawling Towers is moving forward – a lot of the interior painting is finished and hopefully the tiling of the floor will be completed soon. The carcasses of the kitchen cabinets are being assembled so it won’t be long until they are in place – very exciting ! The bathroom tiles should be arriving on Monday – but the wooden flooring for the lounge area and the bedrooms has been delayed until the end of August. Trying to be patient ……


Have a great weekend and Independence Day on Monday and see you all next week.



5 thoughts on “Date night at Tippy’s ……”

  1. Kathy, it sounds as if you picked up Covid in Fort Lauderdale! Fabulous red, white and blue photograph at the end and interesting blog, as always! Glad you’re both feeling better!

    June Robb


    Well I don’t think that is what it is – so many people here have had this I am assuming it is just a nasty cold !

  3. Where did you get your tile? We’ll be looking for outside tile on patios etc. Great blog.We love date nights at Tippy’s too,usually when there’s music.


    My freight forwarder in Ft Lauderdale sourced them fo me – I described what I wanted – a honed and filedl shell stone – and he found the perfect thing. Outside we will use Corolina – I love the look of these natural stones – the only thing is you really need to seal it well.

  5. Frank R Fatoric

    Don’t forget July 1st, Canada Day for we Canucks. Let the week long of celebrations begin.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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