Michele Johnson – wishing you the happiest birthday

So this week we all want to wish dear Michele Johnson the happiest of happy birthdays. Many of you will know Michele from The Buccaneer , The Haynes Library and many of her other numerous involvements. She is a very special woman who has been immersed in this community in central Eleuthera ever since she first came here many years ago.

Happy Birthday today – July 7th – to the fabulous Michele Johnson x

Nothing is ever too much trouble for her to be involved in and she will be there when you need her the most. She is a brilliant friend, fundraiser and what’s more she is fun ….. Michele my dear friend, we salute you and honor you and want to tell you how much we all love you. You really are one in a million and the world is a better place because of you  xxxxx

And now with the lovely Frank Fatoric who did the most amazing job with the food for Michele’s party

Last Friday we were invited by good friends Tracey and Ricardo Knowles to go to dinner with them at The Cove. Yes – finally The Cove is open to non-residents for dining. Numbers are limited and of course you have to book in advance.

They arranged for Precious Cooper to drive the four of us there and back so no-one had the responsibility of the drive. We all know and acknowledge that driving back that distance at night after a nice relaxing night out is not fun so to be able to rely on Precious was a great treat. The manager was telling us that the dining room is going to be renovated while they are closed between the end of August and November when they will reopen. It is very bright at the moment so not too atmospheric – but the air conditioning was a treat – not too cold and not too warm – totally comfortable.

Dynamite Shrimp ….. really good

Now the food – the appetizer of Dynamite Shrimp was delicious and my Sashimi Ahi Tuna was perfect. Tracey had a salad which was also very good. There was a slight hiccup with the main courses – Bob’s grouper was served 10 minutes after the rest oof our main courses – but it was very tasty when it did come. The truffle fries we all shared were very good – but the best thing about the whole evening was being with our good friends. Catching up on all the news and just having time to be relaxed in each other’s company.

Really good Ahi Tuna – the seaweed salad is lurking behind the cucumber
Tracey’s salad – very tasty

This is the first time we have been out to dinner with Tracey and Ricardo since some time before lockdown ! It is amazing how quickly the time has gone and how easily we have slid into not socializing – it was a real tonic to be in their company and feeling things getting back to normal…..

The grouper main course …..

On Sunday we went to lunch at Bacchus Fine Foods with good friends Brooke and Andy Bell. We first met them when they rented Tops House back in 2014. Since then they rented from us twice a year sometimes and we also had the lovely experience of becoming friends with their friends who came to stay with them. They fell in love with Governors Harbour and have continued to come for vacations and we are very lucky to call them good friends.

Here is the picture again – such a lovely lunch time treat to be with the Bells….

The Educators For Eleuthera Summer Camp is off to a flying start – 50 children on the first day ! Pictures next week…

And so dear readers we are off island for another brief trip to Fort Lauderdale – enjoying what the land of plenty has to offer but coming back at the weekend.

I hope that you enjoyed 4th July in whatever way you chose to celebrate it – and a word of apology to all our Canadian readers who I forgot to wish Happy Canada Day to on Friday July 1st.

Take care of yourselves and be a friend wherever you can ….


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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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