Easter and other treats in Governors Harbour

So we enjoyed the 4 day break that Easter brought along with other treats here in Governors Harbour and of course Bocce coming up this weekend. On Good Friday Bob and I treated ourselves to a lovely lunch at La Bougainvillea. We shared a chicken satay followed by a huge sushi roll which was absolutely delicious. La Bougainvillea is going from strength to strength with Thursday nights proving particularly busy now.

Goodness this was tasty ! And the sushi as shown above was great !

Easter Saturday saw us both in the office – yikes – on a holiday ?? – We had a computer expert come up for the day to finally get Bob’s new laptop set up -which he did in a very calm and relaxed way – what a relief that was.

Keith Saunders getting us sorted out with assorted laptops !

On Sunday I decided to cook a good roast dinner for 6 of us – although from the amount of food you could be forgiven for thinking it was for 16 …… Jane, my lovely sister who lives in the UK is a great cook and she shared with me a recipe for Yorkshire Puddings – she had used it to great success herself a week or so ago. I had managed to buy some English plain flour from Nassau as opposed to the all purpose use flour that is available here – maybe that makes a difference ? Anyway the picture below pretty much tells the story ! Actually they look better than they really were – I think I took them out a little too soon – they should have had at least another 5 minutes as they were not quite crispy enough . But that can be perfected. So for those of you – Daniel I mean you – who are interested here is the recipe.

4oz plain flour, 4eggs, half a pint if milk, a pinch of salt. Whisk all the ingredients together and leave to stand for at least one hour – ideally a couple of hours. Preheat the oven to 395 Farenheit or 200 Celsius. Put the muffin tin to preheat with oil in each thingybob then after it has heated for about 10 minutes quickly pour in the batter mixture. Do not be tempted to open the door for at least 20 – 25 minutes. Hopefully they will be delicious !

Like I said – they looked better than the reality – but I’m sure I can improve !

This coming weekend we have the Special Olympics Bocce Tournament. For anyone who is on the island we will all be going to Fish Fry on Friday night to celebrate the success of the athletes who went to the World Games Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi ….. Do join us there if you can. And if you would like to make a donation towards the tournament or the Track and Field Special Olympics coming up in May in Nassau then please contact me to find out how to do that.

Huge thanks to Eleuthera regular visitors Richard and Ann Kalayjian for a very generous donation to the Bocce Tournament fund since I started writing this blog ! Thank you thank you…….

With Richard Kalayjian – sorry you weren’t there Ann !

Finally news that we are selling the apartments at Anchor Point individually now. So if you are interested in an apartment with a great rental income do contact me – I don’t have the online links yet but they are being marketed through Damianos Sothebys. I will post the links on a future blog once I have them…….

Look how Xena has grown !
I was delighted when Joshua – pictured centre – came to say hello last weekend. He was a pupil at the Centre for Exceptional Learners until 18 months ago. Look how he has grown up to be a lovely young chap – he is pictured below in 2014

4 thoughts on “Easter and other treats in Governors Harbour”

  1. Kathy, I believe you are missing the beef drippings in the batter???????

    They look awesome, regardless.

    Flying in today!

  2. You torturess! I miss my puppies AND my kitchen, leaving on a jet plane for my last leg of the trip….theater debauchery in Chicago! Thanks for “growing Xena” update. Getting a puppy greeting this return, they will probably knock me to the ground!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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