A joyous night for HACE in Eleuthera.

Monday 15th April – the day after the Jazz Festival finished – was a joyous night raising funds for HACE in Eleuthera. It was held at La Bougainvillea and they were fabulous hosts. Plenty of people came and ate as well as those who just came to enjoy the music.

Bob and I with Jason Thompson , his lovely wife Laniece and Neville Sands – Jason and Neville are both stalwart members of HACE. Jason is the Chairman…….

Quite a few of the musicians had stayed on and they played with a lovely relaxed and fun attitude – this was them just kicking back and having a good time.

Not the greatest picture – but it shows our own Rob Atwood on the right doing his musical thing…..

The food was delicious – we ate vegetable fritters and pizza – and the kitchen turned out plenty of great food – and fast ! Kezang the manager and his team have created a lovely atmosphere there – it feels like a great place to be ….. Of course it is a beautiful setting around the pool and on the edge of the ocean – but it is the mood of great service and feeling valued as a customer which comes across so well……

With Darcy and Kevin enjoying a drink at the bar….

HACE had some great donations and it continues as an organization as a testimony to Chris and Alison Gosling that all their hard work over the years they were involved in it has well and truly paid off – a lasting legacy…..

Enjoying the evening were the Bonets and the Berners ……

The Jazz Festival went very well – with so much planning and attention to detail the wonder woman that is Michele Johnson and her team manage to make it all come together every year – only she really knows how much blood sweat and tears go into it ! Much fun was had by all and the weather held fair thankfully.

Bob and I only managed to attend the Sunday Brunch held at the Cotton Bay home of Dougie Douglas and his lovely wife Kristin. They stepped into the breach at the last moment when other plans fell through – although it came together so well you would have thought it was months in the planning.

Bob, Horatio, Ashley, Rob and moi !

Lots of delicious food with catering by the very talented Horatio Smith and his girlfriend Ashley – from Nassau. Follow him on Instagram #horatioalexandercaters He is a lovely man who cooks with love and passion for his craft …..

A delicious arugula and watermelon salad.
Horatio serving up a gooey chocolate desert…..

So Easter follows this weekend coming and the island is busy busy busy. Then the following weekend we have the Special Olympics Bocce Tournament – lots to look forward to ……

A great burger party at the Buccaneer with the exceptional learners and staff
Some lovely smiles !
Featuring Bob, Mary and Tony Crean !
And finally a shot with good friend Stephan Cole at la Bougainvillea …..

6 thoughts on “A joyous night for HACE in Eleuthera.”

  1. We need better advertising for island events. I knew about the Jazz Festival, of course, but not about the HACE event. The Eleuthera Forum might be a good venue to let ex pats know, but posters and notices around the island would help too.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      I know ! – we did put some posters around and I did write about it coming up on last week’s blog but that only reached a certain number of people….. It is always hard to get word around to the masses !

    2. Isn’t odd that I was the creator of this whole event and I am not mentioned in the article? Don Bouchat

      1. kathy@kathycolman.com

        Sorry for that Don – we will be writing about the upcoming one on March 27th and you will be figged up for sure ! I didn’t actually know that you had organized it – many apologies xx

  2. Idea: on-line bidding for HACE auctions, for us ex pats who would love to contribute and win one-of-a-kind items, but cannot attend.

    I know a few straightforward websites for that.

    I am back next week, and hope to see you guys!


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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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