Exciting times at Governors Estate Eleuthera !

Exciting times at Governors Estate may be a bit of an exaggeration for all of you – but it is for us !  This week we have all the work being done to get the generator installed and to power up all our houses here.  That is all the rental houses – Yellow House, Sweetcorn House, Tops and Peach House – plus my Mum’s house , and our house – Yippee !

I always felt that there was no way we could possibly install a generator for our house and not have backup power for the rental houses – imagine sitting in the darkness and seeing lights beaming out from our place – no I don’t think so ….. So when Bob found this huge beast on eBay and said it would run everything we decided to go for it !

Trenches and pipes everywhere !
Trenches and pipes everywhere !

So the trenches have been dug to the houses on the estate, cables are being threaded through the conduit and very soon the trenches will be filled back in ……

Our beautiful big eBay beast !
Our beautiful big eBay beast !

Then the work really begins !

The trenching machine - Bob would love one of these for Christmas !!
The trenching machine – Bob would love one of these for Christmas !!

Each of the houses will have an automatic changeover switch so that if the power is out for more than – actually I don’t know ! – 1 minute maybe ? then the generator will kick in and we will all be smiling ……..

The concrete pad has to be cast which is what the the actual generator will stand on – once that is ready then we will have a crane to lift the beast off the trailer it is on and onto the site. More important work blah blah blah and then chocks away as they say !  Cannot wait ….

We went out for a terrific dinner the other night with good friends Anthony and Krista Santanello to Bacchus Fine Foods. You can call and make a reservation to eat there at night – even though their advertised hours do not reflect this. It is wonderful place to go – if you want to have a quiet and intimate night out – able to chat with friends and not have the distraction of too many people around then this is the place. The food is very, very good and the atmosphere is always great. It is just like having a private dining club experience !

Our private dining club experience at BFF !
Our private dining club experience at BFF !

Krista and I shared a Caprese salad which was delicious, Bob had a salad with strawberries, gorgonzola cheese and walnuts which he devoured and Anthony ate mussels in white wine sauce. For the main course Krista and I both ate snapper with a fabulous tomato, caper and white wine sauce, Bob had filet mignon and Anthony had angel hair pasta with shrimp scampi – every plate was clean and everybody absolutely loved what they chose – a really great night out.

Caprese salad with prosciutto - this a half portion !
Caprese salad with prosciutto – this a half portion !

I often mention Bacchus Fine Foods in my blogs because I absolutely love how they have been brave enough to take the food available on the island to a higher level than we have ever had. It is a terribly difficult task to run a business like that here – supplies get held up, the things that you have ordered often do not appear and you have to create dishes with what you have rather than what you were planning. That is hard enough at home but imagine keeping your customers satisfied under these circumstances. So hats off to Angelika Bacchus and her team for making this brave move and always turning out delicious food under often difficult circumstances.

Bob's delicious salad
Bob’s delicious salad

BFF will be resuming their Friday night Happy Hour – which I can tell you lasts much longer than an hour – in the next week or 2 so if you are on island do go along and enjoy yourselves and continue to support this great business……

Anthony's plate full of mussels .....
Anthony’s plate full of mussels …..





2 thoughts on “Exciting times at Governors Estate Eleuthera !”

  1. A wonderful review of a fabulous little island treasure! Your dinners sound, and look, incredible! Thanks for sharing Kathy.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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