This week – in the Bahamian summer – we are feeling full of gratitude in Governors Harbour Eleuthera…… The weather is fabulous – hot and sunny but with plenty of sea breezes and the place is busy ! Lots of visitors taking a vacation here over the 4th July celebrations from the US. And people here are gearing up to celebrate Bahamian Independence Day on July 10th.
Many of you regular readers will have heard that I use the Headspace app for both guided and unguided meditations – and one of the great things that Andy Puddicombe – the founder of Headspace – keeps returning to is the importance of being grateful for – and acknowledging – the small everyday things that make us feel good.
So here are a few of the things I am grateful for right now…….

Sapodillys are in season ! For those of you who are not aware – sapodillas are a fruit native to the Caribbean , Mexico and Central America- often called dillys here, they are also known as naseberries in Jamaica. They have a slightly grainy texture – a bit like a pear – but the taste is heavenly – it is described as malty – but I think it tastes like caramel ! Delicious….. And like so many things here – the season is fairly short so you really have to enjoy them while you can.

Much gratitude abounds as well for our lovely renters – we meet such lovely people and are constantly in awe of how thoughtful and kind they can be……

Just last week we had a very generous gift of a couple of bottles of wine from Virginia – I didn’t even know that wine was made in Virginia – but it was very tasty…… And as regular readers of my blog they had seen a post some time ago where we had treated Rudge to a dog toy in the shape of the Donald ! So they also came with a gift for him – a dog toy in the shape of Putin !! But not for long – Rudge loves a good toy to throw around and chew and he made short work of this one….. he had such a good time. Many thanks to Michael and Erica for the fun and the thoughtfulness !

I was also given a bottle of La Vencedora vanilla flavoring by some thoughtful returning renters – thank you Anna and Stephen for this – apparently it is abundant in southern Texas – actually made in Mexico – so I shall look forward to using it soon…… Actually I always put in a little vanilla flavoring when I make a pavlova – well I’ve made it twice so far but I will make it again soon !!!! So it will go to good use ….
I am very grateful to all the readers of the blog as well – in Bacchus Fine Foods – of course another place I am truly grateful for on a daily basis ! – I met one of my readers of the blog who told me how much she enjoys reading this gabble I turn out every week ! She lives in Los Angeles and has a house in Rainbow Bay so like many people it keeps the link with the island a little bit closer.
I love fresh flowers and of course there is no place to buy them regularly over here – so I was very happy when Cindy contacted me to ask me if I wanted some hydrangea blooms that were over ordered – they are spectacular – just look at this beauty below – gratitude every time I see them…..

We had a day trip to Nassau last week – and guess what – it made me so very thankful that we live here in Eleuthera !
It doesn’t take long to come up with a list of things to be grateful for does it ? I try to remember to consciously think of at least 2 or 3 things every night before I go to sleep. How often do you think food figures in those lists ? Well pretty often. But people who are dear to you, music, food, beaches, the ocean – so many things to be more aware of and not take for granted…….
Have fun making you own lists…..
5 thoughts on “Feeling gratitude in Governors Harbour Eleuthera”
Great, but where are the weird guys from NYC, and that super-weird ghost writer named Danny?
They are so at the top of the gratitude list ! Ghost writer Danny will be back very soon ……
Good things come to GOOD PEOPLE! Love you Kathy and Bob Colman!
A very spiritual message! I especially love your first photo of the glorious beach! Thankful for the peace and serenity of that.
Best, Camilla
Hi Kathy, it was so nice to meet you in Bacchus Fine Foods on Tuesday! My friends Sarah from England and Cara from New York say Hello. Keep up your fab blogs and I hope to see you on again on one of my island visits xo