Fumbling through February in Eleuthera

So here we are fumbling through February – by the end of the week we will be halfway through the month. Where is the time going ???? Of course Bob and I are recuperating from a horrible dose of the flu – Bob had it worse than me – but it is 2 weeks since I came down with it and there are days when I feel like I am really on the mend and then days when I am so tired I have to go to bed at 8pm !!!

Bob has lost a lot of weight with this – and of course you lose your appetite and food tastes like cardboard – but it is a great lesson – and you all know I love to find the lesson in what happens to us. Be patient, slow down, take care of yourself and those around you in the best way you can, remember about convalescing – and above all look for those signs that tell you that yes – one day in the not too distant future you will feel good again. it is a cliche but we do take our good health so much for granted – so savor the feeling as you realize slowly that you are recovering. Listen to your body and nurture it in any way that you can……

While we have been lolloping around at home we have been reading books and watching movies. And of course last Sunday was Oscars night – but I was so tired that I only watched the first hour or so. The Oscars is the only TV show that I really love to make a point of watching once a year – anyone remember the year we rented a place at Pineapple Fields in order to be able to watch it – we didn’t have cable TV at the time in our house and all our rental houses were booked so we couldn’t sneak in for the evening !

Anyway – was it me or was it lackluster this time ? I didn’t see a single outfit where I though – oh yes please – that one is for me !!!

We watched Renee Zellweger in Judy courtesy of Apple Movies – a brilliant movie but of course such a sad story – so pleased that she won the Oscar for Best Actress – but of course we hadn’t seen any of the other movies…..

Then a couple of days later we watched – It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – with Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys ….. Growing up in the UK neither Bob nor I had any idea who Fred Rogers was or anything about the program he made for so many years – but a movie about kindness sounded like just what we wanted to see….. It was a lovely piece and I highly recommend it. So many movies these days are violent and depressing to be frank – so it was a real tonic to see something so different. Just waiting now to see Little Women available to watch on line..

So lots of homemade soup and heartwarming programs to watch – any recommendations in the heartwarming category would be most welcome please.

At last – a few tomatoes are making their way through in the vegetable garden !

On a different note – we are very busy with guests staying in our properties and it is always lovely to see both people returning each year and new guests discovering Eleuthera for the first time. Staying on top of keeping everything working in 12 properties is hard work and sometimes it feels like an uphill struggle ! Cable Bahamas is giving us a run for our money with intermittent interrupted Cable TV and internet. Having a reliable internet service is so important these days so it is very challenging. We appreciate the patience of our guests very much at these times. I think that all of our TV’s now are SMART – so at least visitors can sign in to their Netflix account and watch that – but especially we love the guests who decide that being device free is just what they need for a while …..

So have a great week – and do remember to nurture those around you who are under the weather and show kindness wherever you can…… They are my two standards to live by on a very conscious level whilst fumbling through February…….

Sweetcorn House at Governor's Estate in Eleuthera
A couple of cheerful nasturtiums amongst the rosemary and leeks …..

4 thoughts on “Fumbling through February in Eleuthera”

  1. Did you not have a flu shot around November! In Canada we have a special flu shot for seniors!! It seems to help. Hope that you will get your energy back.
    I love to read your stories about Eleuthera and I really miss the place.
    With kind regards, JOSEE (friend of the Gray family)

    1. This is the second time in my whole life that I have had flu – and no I never get flu shots ! So pleased that you enjoy the blog …..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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