Yes friends – Happy Easter to you all who celebrate it and happy day off or 2 to those of you who don’t….. Over here we have 2 days off – Good Friday and Easter Monday so a lot of people are looking forward to that break.

Traditionally Easter Monday is the day when a lot of Bahamians go to the beach and take their first dip in the water. Well I am happy to report that Jane and I have braved the sea and taken a dip already – actually it was only on Tuesday of this week – but it felt good ! A little nippy when we first went in but really calm and perfect for floundering about. Even Rudge  did a lot of swimming – racing Xena to fetch the bumper that Jane was expertly throwing for them !

The Atlantic has been pretty choppy and rough for the last few weeks so it is lovely to see it looking so calm and inviting.

I know that some of you do Wordle on a regular basis – the rest of you won’t be interested in this bit at all – but listen to this – last week I was doing my usual early morning session on Wordle – Jane was there – in fact she was the one who got me hooked on it. Anyway – she always uses the same 5 letter word to start it – and I said – OK Jane I am using your starter word – bread – in your honor – and just look what happened !!! Such a treat – never ever happened to me before – but it made my day and still makes me smile when I think about it. It is the little things in life that lift us isn’t it ?

While Jane has been here we have tackled sorting out the garage – lots of boxes to be gone through – some stuff thrown away – some stuff retrieved and some put into the for sale pile ! But I have been shocked at how I just cannot work for the length of time I used to be able to. A few hours and that’s it – I have to stop , eat , rest and resolve to go back to it the next day. But we are getting through it and can now actually see parts of the floor !

The work on the house is continuing – the 2 downstairs rooms are now tiled and the bathrooms are coming on. The small kitchens in Bob’s studio , one of the downstairs studios and the gardeners cottage are underway – most of the cabinets have arrived but still waiting for assorted bits and pieces to get them fitted. It is heartening to see the progress that is made. One day I will write that we are all done and dusted – but don’t hold your breath on that one !

Table looking good and ready for feasting ….

One night this week we had 6 friends round for supper – so 9 of us in total which actually is a substantial number to cater for when I am only used to 2 or 3 of us. But we had a great night and the slut’s kitchen came into it’s own as the perfect dumping ground for all the dirty pans. Jane and I cooked a great vegetarian pasta dish as we had so many of the baby sweet tomatoes I showed you last week. So pasta with pesto sauce, baby tomatoes, wilted spinach , fresh asparagus, and butter fried mushrooms. Oh and some lovely island grown broccoli. It was delicious – and a salad with island grown greens and some beautiful peppery nasturtium  flowers and leaves.

So as we had so many of the baby tomatoes I put a small pot of them at every place setting to either put in the green salad or to just eat like sweets or glug like a shot !

Jane made a brilliant salad dressing – you know one of those that you make up as you go along and can never be repeated ! It was a lot of work the results were definitely worth it…..

Such a pretty looking salad….

Good times with good friends and good food is one of life’s pleasures to be treasured and valued – these times make up precious memories – even better if you have a few photos to remember it by.

Having a good time….

Does anyone else find that their pictures on their phone is the modern version of a diary ? I so admire people who do write in a diary or journal on a regular basis – but I am not one of them. Although I suppose that this blog is a bit of a diary as well….

OK then dear friends – have a lovely long weekend but do remember the lonely and bereaved, the ones suffering from depression or any other illness and be kind whenever you can to them……

We had a evening with a friend to lives on a bluff overlooking Singing Sands Beach along the Banks Road. We drank some gorgeous champagne which he served to me in a beautiful antique elegant champagne coupe – sadly I was dressed far too casually but Jane took this great picture of me trying to look elegant !


5 thoughts on “Happy Easter from Eleuthera….”


      It is so he can wash stuff when he is painting and sculpting – have a fridge for his cold beers and general storage – plus in the future it could be a guest area at a pinch ! You have a very suspicious mind !!!

  1. Cathy, Happy Easter to you, Bob and the rest of your family. Want to thank you for the wonderful stories that keep me and wife connected to our second home. It helps to hear news, good, bad, humorous or indifferent. We try to go back twice a year but unfortunately we won’t be back until Oct for our 3 month stay. Our place is in JC and hopefully we will be able to thank you in person for your wonderful blogs. Take care and have a wonderful weekend! Nelson & Liza

  2. Kathy, so nice to learn the home’s decorative touches are falling in place with your island chic. Happy Easter.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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