So here we are wishing you all a Happy New Year from Eleuthera – 2019 is here whether you are ready or not ! The coming year will bring us all a combination of joy, sorrow, happiness and sadness and what we wish for you is the ability to deal with all of these events with a sense of balance and stability.

There is a huge pressure from the media to ‘ make this the best year ever, make yourself a brand new better person, be fitter, be healthier , but more prosperous – be more of everything ‘ Yikes – forget that ! What I wish for is the ability to handle all of the inevitable ups and downs without being overwhelmed – or trying to pretend to all and sundry that life is one long perfect situation ….

I bought Bob a book for Christmas – well actually I bought it for both of us. It is called Delight – by JB Priestley. It was first published in 1949 and has just been re-published as the 70th Anniversary Edition.  The author was a British playwright and writer and was known for being quite a grumpy character. But this book is an antidote to that. There are 114 short essays on assorted aspects of life that brought him joy … They are everyday things but with a lovely explanation of why they bring him a sense of delight.

So guess what – that is a practice I will be taking forward this year and reporting in the blog to share with you – and of course I encourage you to do the same.We are all going to face challenges this coming year – personally, professionally and globally – and I think that this practice will have a grounding effect and help to keep us from being overwhelmed by what is happening in our own lives and also on the lives of people we know and don’t know – all around the world.

I will of course try to interweave this with what is going on here on island because I know that many of you have told me that you enjoy staying in touch with events here through the blog. I also want to tell you that we have experienced a slight technical hitch which I still have to try to remedy. Many of you had made comments on blogs throughout December – but I never received the notification that a comment was awaiting approval. I just thought that maybe the blogs were a bit bland and no comments were necessary – eventually of course I noticed that there were plenty of comments – so apologies to those of you who wondered why your thoughts were not being posted !!

So on we go into 2019 – share your delights with me and with others – and try to make it a part of your life. Don’t just recognize the frustrations in your life – recognize and relish the delight as well.

Happy New Year to you all dear friends…….

And following are some pictures from New Year’s Eve here in Governors Harbour


Claudia and Shannon looking gorgeous and ready to party !
Claudia and Shannon looking gorgeous and ready to party !


Angelika was the most sensible person out on new Year's Eve - party shoes on - walking from house to house shoes waiting !
Angelika was the most sensible person out on New Year’s Eve – party shoes on – walking from house to house shoes waiting !


Seemed like fun at the time - eating pine cones !!
Seemed like fun at the time – eating pine cones !!
Don't even ask what Mike was up to !!
Don’t even ask what Mike was up to !!


Bob, me and Tony - having fun.....
Bob, me and Tony – having fun…..
We were a bit cropped off at the top of the blog - so here we are again, me, Carolyn, Marilyn, Mark and Chris.....
We were a bit cropped off at the top of the blog – so here we are again, me, Carolyn, Marilyn, Mark and Chris…..
Having a lipstick moment !!
Having a lipstick moment !!


Ceci when we got back to the house on what was by then New Years Day ....
Ceci when we got back to the house on what was by then New Years Day ….

12 thoughts on “Happy New Year from Eleuthera”

  1. Looks like a fun group, we love Eleuthera and try to make a trip to the island twice a year from Springfield Missouri. We just booked a trip in March/April. Love all the smiles in the pictures. Happy New Year.

  2. OMG Kathy! I just love the photos, as always! It looked like a marvelous evening. The more I see your blog——-the more I want to be there!

    Thank you for the words and the photos. You write well, and, look beautiful.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Thank you for you lovely appreciation …. Of course the reality was that it took us days to get over it !!

  3. Hi Kathy,

    I was just talking to my Eleuthera friend about you and your Ciguatera poisoning, apparently she knows you, Denise Wilkes and Wes who lives a few doors down from Tippy’s! It’s a small world right!
    How are you feeling now? I still have Cig symptoms but I’m slowly getting better!


    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      I am feeling much better – i still have the funny cold / tingly sensation on my tongue but in the scheme of things it is pretty good. So pleased to hear that you are getting better as well… And you are right – it is a small world…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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