Let’s talk trees this week….

Let’s talk trees this week as I am getting excited about what we will plant at Sprawling Towers. We are working on getting the land cleared – hand cleared in a lot of the 2 acres – in order to get started on the new house. All that has been uncovered are pigeon plum and kamaleme trees plus one Poinciana – so I am excited to plan for the future and plant some trees that will be at their best in a hundred years or more….

Bob and I used to visit the beautiful Westonbirt Arboretum in the UK – a tree garden basically – it was started formally in the mid 19th Century. It houses 2,500 specimens of trees from all over the world and while that is definitely not what we are planning ourselves I just love the idea of planting trees – not for the pleasure that they give immediately – but the for the pleasure and enjoyment of future generations who we will never know.

I took this picture way back in 2005 – the Palmetto Point cotton silk wood tree….

So first on my list is a silk cottonwood tree – I’m sure that many of you will have seen the amazing one in North Palmetto Point. They grow quickly I have just read – reaching up to 80 feet or more with a trunk diameter of 5 – 8 feet above the buttresses – and this is one of the main reasons of planting for the future. I want people in a hundred years time to marvel when they see the tree in the same way that I did when I first saw the one in Palmetto Point. definitely a tree to hug !

This was the spectacular Banyan Tree just north of Rock Sound

Next up is a Banyan Tree – I remember a spectacular one that used to grow just north of Rock Sound., It was burnt down sadly a good few years ago – but there is a beauty in Michele Johnson’s front yard on Queens Highway – just north of Governors Harbour.

The banyan tree in Michele’s front yard ….

The Cascarilla tree is another one for planting – it is a native tree to the Bahamas and is used to flavor Campari – the posh drink that I drink when I am not drinking beer ! I always said that the name of our next house would be Cascarilla House – but that was before we agreed on Sprawling Towers !

Finally for this week’s blog I want to mention the Lignum Vitae tree – this is the national tree of the Bahamas – The Tree of Life – a suitable reason on it’s own to plant on our land – but also because it is the hardest known hardwood which contains it’s own lubricating oil. This wood was used by John Harrison in the wooden clocks he made – one of which is still working today . He also made the very first marine chronometer in 1730 and went on to solve the problem of longitude – he is a hero of ours – so a Lignum Vitae tree in his honor would be perfect !

Tell me about your favorite trees and why – maybe we can add them to our collection …….

Went for a fabulous lobster supper last weekend with Molly and Polly – ate my own bodyweight in fabulous poached lobster with lemon butter !
Clemens , Bob and Molly – champagne anyone ???
Now that’s what I call and organized drawer …. not mine of course – this was at Molly and Polly’s house.
Did you notice this – Slap Ya Mama seasoning !!!

6 thoughts on “Let’s talk trees this week….”

  1. Love your planting plans for Sprawling Towers. And, for the great photos and descriptions of trees! As always, we look forward to hearing from you and news/ pics of shared buddy pods for festive get togethers…every moment to celebrate. Not much to share from western Massachusetts except that the next day is a repeat! LOL PS: did you find poisonwood in your clearing efforts?

    1. Lovely to hear from you as well – yes we did find poison wood – apparently the sap from the kamaleme which grows nearby is used as a balm for the horrible sores and rash it causes….. Stay safe ….

  2. Christopher de Roo

    Good day Kathy.
    Stephanie and I bought the two condos from Harold Merritt. We are looking so forward to moving to Eleuthera permanently as soon as business is tied up here in the USA.
    Steph is English, South African and American (In that order☺) and I am South African and American. We love the English culture that we are so familiar with and have battled with the very different American culture for the passed 12 years.
    I called Bob about doing some architectural work for me, and next time we are on the island we would love to have you both over for dinner – English style!
    Keep up your charming Blog. We both love to read it.
    Until we finally meet. Take care and stay safe.
    Chris and Steph de Roo.

    1. How lovely to hear from you – and exciting plans for you being here. We look forward to meeting you both and look forward to dinner with you as well ! take care yourselves…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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