So here we are – it’s January 2021 in Eleuthera – well everywhere else for that matter – and we start the trek of another year ….. Thankfully today I am feeling like I am over the worst of the shingles I came down with. There is nothing like feeling ill to really make you appreciate feeling healthy again – right ? I do know that I have to take things gently – I get very tired if I try to do too much and then feel awful the next day – so although it is not usually my policy – it is gently gently as a path for this part of the year.

Having said that we have enjoyed an evening out at the Taglich household – dinner cooked by Pascal Burrows – and it was delicious – his signature seafood pasta as a main course. The best coconut shrimp possible as an appetizer and individual molten chocolate cakes for desert. He is a brilliant chef and his food never disappoints !

As good as they look !
A great night out at the Taglich’s
A great night with good friends

Then this week we had great friends Brooke and Andy Bell round for an easy at home meal. They have been renting from us since 2014 – and this was their 13th visit to Tops ! They will probably be our last renters before we close on the sale and there was something perfect about that. I had previously cooked shepherds pie and frozen it – so it was no effort to defrost it and heat it through. This was made with leftover turkey from Christmas Day – minced up and cooked with onions, garlic, shredded carrot , seasoning and a good dollop of Colman’s English mustard plus diced mushrooms sautéed in butter . Then gravy – also leftover from Christmas Day to give it a nice consistency. Topped with creamy mash flavored with horseradish sauce – so tasty and easy….

Well maybe just one glass of champagne – medicinal right ?

Food is medicine – right ? Well it is in my book anyway….

Nice to see plenty of visitors here – and very heartening to hear from Brooke and Andy how impressed they have been with the Bahamian Government’s handling of the Covid security measures that are in place and being carried out efficiently and in a friendly manner here on island. It makes everybody feel secure when they travel here – their comment was that the Government in the US could learn a lot from here !

We watched a very interesting program on Netflix the other day – called The Minimalists ….. The theory is that we are drowning in stuff – consuming more and more in an effort to fill an existential gap in our lives. And making 3 large corporations increasing rich. The 2 protagonists started a drive in their own lives to rid themselves of vast quantities of unnecessary stuff and found that this simplifying became a big movement throughout the world. It is a theory I think we could all benefit from – I have slowly started going through the house trying to divest ourselves of unwanted items. Not in a huge full on purging sort of way – I don’t physically feel up to that yet – but gently ……

One of the ideas is to get rid of one item per day for a month – or one item on day 1 , 2 items on day 2 , 3 items on day 3 – you get the idea…. I am not slavishly following that model – but I am giving a lot away, throwing what is garbage and maybe selling some of the good stuff….

New Year seems like a good time to start this cleansing – and the idea is that as our clutter is cleared so our minds and lives also clear – and we enjoy the company of those we love and like and have more time for them. Anyway – if you have Netflix take a look and see what you think yourself.

OK – that’s it for this week. Stay safe and and be kind – especially to those who are unkind to you – they need it the most….

Starting hand clearing the new land ….
And finally Rudge enjoying a tasty Christmas chewy – thanks to Dan and Larry for that ….

7 thoughts on “January 2021 in Eleuthera”

  1. So glad that you are healing from that ugly shingles. There is a two step vaccine for that. Have you gotten that?
    I wish that I could just fly there to eat and drink! The food that you guys imbark on is yum-yum!! I guess I will have to live vicariously through your photos. Wonderful! As always!

  2. Brian Hart Hoffman

    This post made me smile!!!!! Just wish we had been there for that shepherds pie and champagne too. Happy 2021!!!!!

    1. Lovely to hear from you Brian – it would have been lovely to have you here ! – hopefully one day soon…. HPY xx

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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