Party season in Governors Harbour

As in many places – now is the party season here in Governors Harbour Eleuthera – and don’t they all come at once !

We had a small party – 3 of us in fact at the secret location of El Bar – the most exclusive private club around ! You can guarantee good conversation and many laughs here with the owner and host who shall remain a secret mysterious figure …… If I sound a bit strange it is because my tongue is so firmly in my cheek ! Members get to wear a special pin – I’m not sure whether there is admittance without it !!!!!

This is me with one of Paul and Judy’s grandsons – Chino who lives in Nassau

OK – enough of all the mystery – the next party was a huge affair – the 65th birthday party for our favorite customs broker Mr Paul Simmons. His wife Judy had gone to enormous lengths to stage a fabulous party – in the end not quite the surprise she was hoping for – but how on earth do you manage to keep a party for around 200 people a secret here ?

There were a lot of people there believe me !

There were delicious appetizers and cocktails first – all the appetizers done by daughter in law Amy and her family – followed by a sit down dinner which was catered by Shauna’s Restaurant and Catering on Cupid’s Cay. Really lovely food – well cooked and served by her able staff. It was such a pleasure to be a part of the large gathering to celebrate the life and work of Paul – a truly hardworking man.

Pryia Simmons, Cohen – Amy and PJ’s son, Judy and of course Paul…..

The tributes from his family members were heartfelt and loving and both Bob and I wiped away a few tears ! The event was held at Workers House and Judy transformed it with all the amazing decorations…….

Bob deciding what he wanted to drink !

The very next day we went to a Mexican style lunch party at the Gray’s house on the hill here in Governors Harbour. Lots of familiar faces – so catching up on news from people who have been away all summer.

Just a very small section of the groaning with goodies table !

The food was a delicious spread all cooked with love and passion by Adrian and his mother – beautifully authentic Mexican fare – which was cleared by all the guests in record time !

I love that they both make me look tall ! – all things are relative right ?
Adrian – second from the left with his mother Cilia on the left who cooked up a Mexican storm !
Always fun in the kitchen…

Next party is the pizza party for the Exceptional Learners followed by the bash at Colman Towers on Saturday to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary and also 15 years on the same day since we moved here permanently – there may be the odd picture or 2 next week of that particular party …..

Have fun if you are partying yourselves and do stay safe – no drinking and driving please !

Sunrise from our hotel bedroom window on a recent trip to Fort Lauderdale – worth waking up for….
Look who sat down next to Bob in the mall m- no wonder he looks surprised !
And finally – not often you get to wear a down jacket in Fort Lauderdale but on that trip the weather in the morning was more than brisk .

6 thoughts on “Party season in Governors Harbour”

  1. Friend of El Bar’s owner.

    I spoke with the owner of aforementioned secret club, and yes, you need the pin for admittance.

    PS. A contraband pin just sold at Sotheby’s for 11 million bitcoin.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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