Pineapples, a graduation and book shelves ….

Yes this week you get to hear about pineapples – back in season on island , a graduation and our bookshelves at Sprawling Towers.

Pineapple season is here again in Eleuthera – the best sweetest and juiciest pineapples ever – not that I am biased in any way you understand . This week we were very generously gifted 6 pineapples from a friend in pineapple country – Gregory Town ! We gave 3 of them to the girls in the office and have 3 waiting to ripen and be guzzled down. I am sure I have told you the story of being here in 2004 during pineapple season and being given one. I insisted that I wasn’t keen on pineapple – I found them tart and acidic – but then I was very actively encouraged to try some of the one Bob was eating – and what a surprise. Nothing like any pineapple I had ever tasted before. And so another convert to the best pineapples in the world ! Now I know that I have taken the picture of the pineapples in sunglasses before – but in fairness they are wearing different glasses this time and anyway it makes me laugh so there you are !

The bookshelves at Sprawling Towers are going in – and I love them – OK the top shelf will probably be more for display but even so we will have 40 feet of useable shelf. Hope that is enough !! The structure is very strong – if there is one thing I can’t stand it is sagging bookshelves – and this way of making them will guarantee no drooping.

The first bearers going on the wall….

You can see from the pictures some wires hanging down – these are for the built in lighting.

Really taking shape now
Sheetrock is on – corner bead for nice sharp edges and ready soon for the surface finish

Talking of lighting we are very pleased with the outdoor lights around the perimeter of the house. They give a lovely wash down the walls which is exactly what we wanted.

And finally to the graduation on Saturday last week of Charles Petty who has done a degree in the culinary arts at Sandhills Community College / Culinary Institute in Pinehurst North Carolina. Charles did a remarkable job of putting himself through college and funding it all himself . He is from Eleuthera and some of you will know him from his working at 1648 at French Leave Resort. He graduated cum laude and we are all very proud of his achievement. He intends to stay in the US – most likely gaining more experience working in the Italian restaurants in New York. We all wish him the very best of luck in the next stage of his career and congratulate him on this great achievement. Good friends Dan Blow and Larry Wilhelm traveled to be there for his graduation ceremony – and thanks to them for the great pictures below.

Charles in the hat flanked by Dan, Tracey and Larry

Lots of joy in the joy of Charles Petty this week !

Charles enjoying a Kalik carried over specially by Dan as he was yearning for one or two

Oh and by the way – a big thank you to those of you who have donated already to the Educators for Eleuthera Paypal account. And don’t worry those of you who have not done yet – there will be plenty more opportunities where I gently suggest what a great idea it would be to donate and be a part of it !

Take care, stay safe and be kind to each other….

4 thoughts on “Pineapples, a graduation and book shelves ….”

  1. Thanks Kathy for sharing…..Charles worked so hard. Shows what drive and the right encouragement can do. So important to support students, as we all know!


      Oh you are so welcome. It is so lovely when I can write a local man makes good story …. And as you say supporting students is so important.


      They are being done by our own team – but I hear that David Morley from Tarpum Bay is very good.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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