Pineapples, Pizza and Pouring Rain.

Pineapples, pizza and pouring rain – this last week we have had all three here in Eleuthera. The pineapple season is in full swing here in the Bahamas and some of the very best ones come from Gregory Town.

We were gifted another 3 beauties from Philip Farm up in Gregory Town and whilst we are enjoying them I decided to do a bit of research about freezing some for later in the year. Just prepare them as you wish – either cutting them in to chunks or slices – lengthways or circular and then freeze them after putting the pineapple in bags or plastic containers.

Oh so tasty…..

What I read recommended that you eat them within 3 – 4 months which sounds just fine to me. I will let you all know how they taste in comparison after a few months. If you want to buy some of these delicious pineapples then you can call Philip farms on 242 808 0088. Tell them Kathy told you !

Now pizza …. The other night I was lost for what to do for dinner and so I suggested that we get a takeaway pizza from Tippy’s. Our favorite is anchovies, capers and olives which we both agree on. Readers let me tell you it was absolutely delicious. We had 4 slices each – which is unusual for Bob – and it was so good. Sometimes takeout pizza  is not that good – by the time you get it home it can be steamed in the box and soggy – but this was spot on. Do remember as well that if it is a Wednesday evening you can get great pizza at Bacchus Fine Foods.

Hands up all those who remember when Tippy’s had this sign up !!

Tippy’s was packed that night and it was early ! They are doing a roaring trade at the moment – I waited at the bar with a nice cold beer and had a couple of lovely conversations – one with a lady who also lives here and then after she had gone to her table with  two sisters from Paris, France . They were here discovering the joys of Eleuthera – they were staying at French Leave Resort. I do hope that they enjoyed their 6 day stay here – even though for a good part of most days we have had pouring rain…..

The charming and friendly sisters Nawel and Amira from Paris in Tippy’s – so sorry about the rain girls …

Of course for those of us who live here it is very welcome – but if you are visitor to the island then it is not what you are looking for during your trip. The ground is soaking it up and the plants are looking lush, healthy and finally dust free.

The good thing is that often the rain does not last the whole day – it can be terrible in the morning but in the afternoon the sun comes out and it is glorious. So if you are visiting here and wake up to a gloomy rainy morning – don’t despair – chances are you will be on that beach by the afternoon.

The poinciana flowers are really coming in to their own now…..

Thank you all who responded with such lovely words to last week’s blog about the sudden shocking death of dear Roger Ryall – both from people who knew him and people who didn’t but were touched by his friends responses.  To have such a place in peoples hearts is a very special thing ….

Downpour off Cupid’s Cay

And so dear readers that’s it for another week here on island. As always treasure the good times and remember the words ” this too shall pass ” That means that both the good times you may be enjoying will not last for ever so experience them to their fullest – but it also means that if you are experiencing very tough and trying times then they too will not last forever.

Take care of yourselves ……

And finally I just couldn’t resist posting this picture of our delectable great granddaughter Cece…



4 thoughts on “Pineapples, Pizza and Pouring Rain.”

  1. She is such a cutie….and everyone should certainly know that June is the rainiest month, along with October. The mosquitoes must be relishing the moment!!!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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