Running a successful vacation rental business….

What goes into running a successful vacation rental business is what I am talking about and thinking about this week. Bob and I stayed in an Airbnb property in Fort Lauderdale the other week – in fact it was the best vacation rental property we have ever stayed in and it really got me thinking about what are the factors that make somewhere great to stay ……

Of course I have to relate it to the things that I feel are important in life – one of the most important is a great bed to sleep in – king size with a really good mattress is what we all hope for but don’t always get. Good quality freshly laundered sheets and bedcovers that you can layer on if you need to. Enough pillows and of a decent quality are also a part of the bedroom scenario. For both of us a pair of bedside lamps to read by are definitely needed.

A very streamlined and elegant kitchen….

Good quality towels – freshly laundered of course – for the bathroom and a supply of shampoo and shower gel and liquid soap. With the weight restrictions and expense of checked bags these days it is good to know that these things will be provided.

A lovely double vanity in the bathroom – with a really well lit mirror

With regards to the kitchen – one of my pet hates is a place where if it sleeps 2 people then you only get 2 plates, bowls, glasses etc. How mean is that – and it also means that you are either washing up after every meal or else wastefully using a dishwasher. The place where Bob and I stayed was well equipped with plenty of everything.

A relaxing and comfortable living area with good lighting is also important. This was one of the only things that was not quite as good as it could be – there was a glaring and un-dimmable light overhead – so I improvised and moved a lamp from somewhere else so we could have a soft ambient light during the evening.

Cleanliness is vital – it should go without saying – but it doesn’t always I know – and this place was spotless. It also was beautifully fitted out and furnished so it was a pleasure to be in the space….. Another thing we loved was that there was the opportunity for fresh air to be let in to the apartment. There was an opening window in the bedroom and sliders on to a balcony in the living area – we were on the 9th floor – and sometimes at that height everywhere is sealed up.

I should have taken this picture of the bedroom headboard before dumping the cases on the bed – but at least you get to see it !

I love it when there are a couple of ideas and inspirations that I can take away with me. From this place – the 36″ wide but countertop depth fridge was a great find. Standard fridges break the line of cabinets by sticking out so much – but this kept a great line with regards to the kitchen design. The other thing was a real strong feature headboard in the bedroom – it gave the room a strong design anchor and made the room very stylish.

Supper out on the first night at Timpano’s – mussels are one of their house specials ….. I love them ….

With our own rental properties my starting point is always my own standard – I would never want anyone to stay in a property I wouldn’t want to stay in myself ….. But staying in someone else’s place can give a gift of inspiration which we all need sometimes….

So we had a quick trip around Ikea – the first in a long time – and I couldn’t resist this mini size Ikea bag – along with a bag of Daims – a Swedish caramel candy covered in chocolate ! Yummy…..

I just wanted to mention to you all the passing away this week of dear Sidney Burrows – of Burrows Foodstore fame. He died last weekend and will be sadly missed – condolences to all the family. RIP Sidney…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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