Yes – summer is really here in Eleuthera. After a cool and wet May the temperatures are soaring now on the island. Every morning we all look in our wardrobes to see what we can wear that will not show the sweat – the answer – everything is going to show the sweat ! And now is the time when once again we all say God Bless You Mr Willis Carrier for inventing air conditioning ……

So when you have rental homes it is a constant round of replacing deviant appliances and defunct electrical items.

This last 2 weeks we have had to replace underground cable to Tops House, the automatic changeover switch for the generator to Yellow House, the water pump to Yellow House and today the AC unit in the master bedroom at Tops – when does it ease up ?????

Anyway – we are very lucky to have plumbers and electricians who are there at the end of the phone when I make another desperate plea !

Today we did a photo shoot at Peach House so now we have some great pictures of the finished downstairs apartment.


The kitchen – including the swanky new fridge-  is complete and I am very pleased with it. The range is the same one as before – it is hardly used at all – in 13 years ! Of course the cooktop gets used a lot but not many people want to roast a chicken or turkey when they stay here so it would have been foolish to change it.


I am particularly pleased with the new rug – and don’t faint readers – but it is NOT from Ikea !! it is an indoor/ outdoor one from Pottery Barn. And the dark colors of the kilim style should be very practical.


Dominic – above – squeezing in to a corner to get the shot !

The new curtains look great as well – made by my great friend Joy in the UK and then shipped out here. They are a fine red and white ticking stripe – by one of my favorite UK fabric suppliers – Ian Mankin……

The little wooden tray table was in our house when we bought it - lovely to have a few pieces that are original to the house....
The little wooden tray table was in our house when we bought it – lovely to have a few pieces that are original to the house….

The new sectional sofa is from Ikea – well something had to be ! and it all has come together really well….. All in all I am very happy with the work we have done.



Building a jetty on the Caribbean side - yes I know it is not actually the Caribbean but would you all know which side I meant if I had put the leeward side ?
Building a jetty on the Caribbean side – yes I know it is not actually the Caribbean but would you all know which side I meant if I had put the leeward side ?
The piles before they were filled with concrete....
The piles before they were filled with concrete….
Watch out for the waves....
Watch out for the waves….

The poinciana trees are just coming in to bloom so hopefully some great pictures of that fabulous blast of color for next week……

11 thoughts on “Summer’s here in Eleuthera.”

  1. Sylvia Menard

    Looks great Kathy! We will have to make a return visit now that Peach House is all spiffed up!

  2. Barbara Fischl

    Kathy, you are so talented. All the decorations are so inviting and attractive. They make me wish to live there

  3. Hello Kathy and Bob ,
    We’re gardening non stop out here . The weather is mixed . Not too bad yet . But AC is our friend too !! We connected it to our house generator just in case. My sister who missed the Eleuthera Holiday is coming out soon for a long visit . They are sooo mellow and manage themselves easily . Hardly a guest . Plus my brother in law loves to keep busy with projects . I’ve written up a long honey dew list too -lol .
    I’ve contacted 14 literary agents so far . Waiting tick tick … patience . Got the bars into a large grocery chain group too . Kevin is great and we’re doing well . Take care ,

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      How lovely to hear from you. Have a lovely time with your visiting sister and her husband – sound like great house guests ! Love to both of you xx

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Thanks for your kind words – so pleased you enjoy the blog ! Have a great weekend as well….

  4. LUV the Kilim! Impressive upgrade Kathy. Place looks inviting…color, textures, and of course, the orange. BTW, western Mass. low temps 50’s! No AC yet. We’ll swap you some energy. At least the rains filled those cisterns. Cheers. xx

  5. Hi Kathy …..please email me, my efforts to get in touch keep bouncing back. Has something changed?
    Love your blog.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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