A bit of this and a bit of that this week.

Yes – just a bit of this and a bit of that this week here in Eleuthera. Nothing big to tell you apart from the fact that I  have it on the best authority that Sweet and Savory – Stephanie and Jonathan’s food truck outside Burrows Food Store – will be open from Monday January 31st. Great news eh ? But remember it will just be for lunch – Monday to Thursday from 11 – 3pm. Plenty of people looking forward to this I know. Welcome back to the Mariscals- we have missed you !

Still keeping it in the Burrows family – the local artist Mr King has started painting the mural on the walls of the new Just For Your Convenience Store on the uphill in Governors Harbour. A picture here to give you a flavor of what he is doing. All painted freehand and not from a plan at all. All in his head he says and taking shape as he paints it out….. We can’t wait to see the result…

On a different note – life here in the climate of the Bahamas is wonderful – we all know that. But when you live here permanently you become aware – painfully aware sometimes – of the toll that the climate can take not only on your home but also on your shoes !!!! Most of the time as I have told you before I wear Fitflops – I am not very keen these days on closed in shoes. But sometimes the weather can turn a little chilly and you need something a little more substantial. Well we have been having some pretty cool weather so I pulled out my Fitflop slip on shoes – and found that the rubber soles were granulating and disintegrating – and they are my favorites – of course now discontinued. And I found a pair of ankle boots – these were unworn for quite some time – where the uppers simply lifted off the rubber soles.

Now I know that you are going to suggest that I don’t buy rubber soled footwear and it is good advice – but they are so comfortable what’s a woman to do ?

Do you find it frustrating to move on when your favorite beauty products are discontinued as well – I know Bob does. He is still mourning the Fudge hair product he used to use that went out of production several years ago. He claims that nothing has ever matched up to it in the dozens of hair products he has tried since.

My favorite shade of Mac lipstick was discontinued a while back and I am running low on the ones I found on eBay and paid a premium price for so I could begin the search for a replacement. Still looking ! And my Armani tinted moisturiser has been discontinued as well – just eking out the dregs of the last tube…..

So just a bit of venting and moaning this week in January and mourning the loss of favorite products and shoes. Well such is life – right ? – I had better get on with it and pull on my big girl pants and shut up !

The swimming pool at Colman Towers is now finished and full of water – so when we get back from our quick trip to Florida this week we can get started on the decking and screening around it and nurture the garden back from it’s sorry state into a thing of beauty – hopefully.

Look – it’s official – I loved seeing the crates stenciled with our name and the house name. Thank you to Lanai Doors in California for the beautiful product you custom made for us

We have the glass folding doors installed at Sprawling Towers now – all the final tweaking and adjusting has to be done – but it is great to see them in place. The electricians are pulling wires and moving on with their work so I wander around the house opening and closing doors and imagining life in our new home – testing paint colors and dreaming of a full water cistern !

oooh – loving these doors
Now I know that this looks suspiciously like a garage forecourt at the moment but believe me when I tell you that you will not be able to fill up with gas here !

Full report next week of our trip to Fort Lauderdale in the land of plenty. Take care of yourselves and do continue to stay safe……

Indulge me please – I know this is pretty boring to some – but to Bob and I it is a delight !!

10 thoughts on “A bit of this and a bit of that this week.”

  1. Kay Tucker Addis

    Kathy, I had to laugh about your shoes falling apart. Forgive me! When we were on the island, it happened to me all the time. Once, I was taking my regular morning walk down Bank’s Road when the sole of my tennis shoe just came off. The result was my limping down the road until a friendly neighbor stopped to give me a ride home. Yes, rubber disintegrates, glue gives way. All I can suggest is a pair of comfortable flats with hard soles — and a supply of SuperGlue!!

    1. Only someone like you who has lived here would truly understand ! It also happened a few years ago when we were in London – I put on a pair of high heels and went to a swanky restaurant where the sole began flapping as I walked up the stairs – had to just pull it off and take the next day to get it repaired. Ah – island life eh ?

  2. So excited to see the doors etc! We know how it feels as we ordered our sliders/ windows in July.They arrived in December and still are missing pieces.They are going in right now tho’ which is wonderful.
    When you go to Ft Lauderdale for just 2 nights now do you get your Covid test the day before and the return one the day before? Where do you get the test in Ft Lauderdale? We’ll be going there in February…Enjoy the land of plenty!

    1. We are here for 3 nights. We get a test in GH before we leave and then get another one – just an antigen at a place called Lab Doctor on SE 17th St in Ft Lauderdale. They are very good – they do all the testing for the cruise ship passengers and are very efficient. Their number is 1 954 530 4447

  3. Mr King is a wonderful artist. He had show a few years back where he was a waiter on whale point. I had heard that he was not on island anymore and am delighted to hear that he is back

    1. Oh that’s great to hear. Bob recognized him as being the waiter from Ocean Tally – I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that if my life depended on it ! Bob has a fantastic memory for faces – I often think – oh I know that face – but I have zero recollection of the context of where I know them from and I am often too embarrassed to ask ! Good to hear from you ….

  4. Oh Kathy, I just had THE heartiest laugh at these conversations about the flapping soles, having experienced the same. Stuart has this mantra…when you find something you like get a spare as backup. I asked him if that applies to me 😉 Commiserating with you likewise with products as you mentioned, especially now after these two Covid years and companies reducing productivity. Good luck with your replacement quest in FL. Thanks for your question Lynn! And for your answer Kathy.

    1. I have thought about that – but the problem is both pairs would deteriorate at the same time – doesn’t matter whether you wear them or not !! Love your response to Stuart’s mantra …. Lovely to hear from you as always….x

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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