A Fire Truck display and progress on Sprawling Towers

This week news of a great fire truck display and news of progress on Sprawling Towers.

Last Friday the GHFR team put on a demonstration to major benefactor Shelby White and her family. It was wonderful for the team to be able to finally proudly show her what they are capable of with the truck and they did a great job. Kunkin – one of the team – even gave her grandson Kieran a fireman’s lift ! Sorry no picture of that as it all happened so quickly ……

Shelby White, her daughter and her husband plus her 3 grandchildren
Full action !

The volunteers were dressed up as you can see in their suits – it was a very hot afternoon so I’m glad it wasn’t me ! The family were all thrilled to see what had been purchased and achieved so a good time was had by all. Big thanks again to Ms Shelby White for her generosity in getting the fire truck here in Governors Harbour.

Kieran in the drivers seat ….

Ashton, one of the volunteers is leaving this week to live in Canada – so we all wish him well and send huge thanks for his services. He was one of the first youngsters who was a member of the sailing club and he has been helping out with the Eleuthera Sailing Academy in Savannah Sound. Lovely to see him helping others as he was helped himself. A wonderful young man and he will be missed in the community…..

Shelby with the volunteers – Ashton is second from the right

We are eagerly awaiting the opening of Bacchus Fine Foods – should be next week from what I hear. I am looking forward to being able to stock up on all the new products they are having in. Full report once I have been shopping ! Not to mention how much we are looking forward to sitting on the lovely veranda eating lunch ….

As far as Sprawling Towers is concerned we now have our internal doors being fitted – yippee ! The door handles are being sent from the UK – no date as yet but hopefully pretty soon. In the meantime a screw to pull them open is fine…..

The new sofas in place

The sofas arrived – unexpectedly – they are meant for the screened veranda but they are ideal in the living room for now. All the library shelves are filled with books  – just one small box left over which is pretty good. They look really lovely at night as you can see below…..

Pretty awful picture but you get the idea !

The built in microwave convection oven has turned up as well so no gaping hole in the cabinet now – time to read that instruction booklet and start experimenting…..

French Leave Beach is looking beautiful at the moment – the stormy weather has cleared away a lot of the debris – the tide is low and the sand is firm – I took the picture at the top of the blog this week. Perfect for walking – but of course it may have all changed again by the time you read this ! The island is getting busy with visitors – looks like it is going to be a good season.

The Beryl Cook prints that we have decorated the cloakroom with are now all up on the walls….

Have a great weekend – don’t get caught up in a panic of how close Christmas is. Life here has taught us that it is a choice how you ‘do’ Christmas and we choose to take it easy and slowly. The celebration of Christmas is what you make it yourselves. Give a thought to all those with illness and health problems and send them a lot of extra love and support….

Just wanted to give a shout out to the Buccaneer for a great veggie burger the other day. Their burger buns are the best !

And finally a shot of a very large cruise ship passing by – definitely need to try and find our binoculars for closer viewing.


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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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