Two free dental treatment programs in Eleuthera !

Yes – not one but two free dental treatment programs in Eleuthera coming up ! One this week in Gregory Town and one next week in Rock Sound.

The one in Gregory Town is happening as you read this – it is of course the collaboration of the Glo-Good Foundation and Lenny Kravitz’s Let Love Rule organization. Do click on this link and watch a beautiful video about their work using footage from when they were here last in December 2019. It is heartening to watch this during what are strange and difficult times in the world – when few things are more important than being able to really smile a smile of joy ……

The wonderful Dr Levine and his fabulous wife Stacey – these pictures are from 2019 – I will get some new ones this week…

This is taken from their website – it is their beautiful annual mission statement ….

Eleuthera, Bahamas – GLO Good x Let Love Rule

In December 2022, GLO Good, in partnership with JBL NYC, Twice & Lenny Kravitz’s Let Love Rule Foundation, returns to Gregory Town, Eleuthera, Bahamas, for its 6th dental and medical mission. A team of nearly 100 volunteers will set up a 7-day clinic to provide free dentistry and primary medical care for hundreds of adults and children in Eleuthera.
The GGF team of volunteers includes a world-class group of specialists, including -general dentists, prosthodontists, pediatric dentists, endodontists, oral surgeons, hygienists, dental assistants, lab technicians, nurse practitioners, nutritionists, mediation and wellness coaches, chefs, maintenance, operations, administrative personnel, and more.
Your support will fund our efforts to bring healthy smiles and restore confidence and health to hundreds of adults and children in need. Donate via GoFundMe. 
Every dollar we raise goes directly towards providing care, with zero administrative expense.
Speaks for itself – right ?
Me again – great eh ?

As I often say in this blog – it is finding the small joys in life that make every day something to recollect with happiness before you go to sleep at night, that are truly what happiness is about. Not what we think we strive for – the big goals we have in our heads – it is the small heart lifting ones that make us happier people and ultimately kinder people as well.

The second clinic is a new one – it is run by the University of Southern California Dental Outreach Program and is based in Rock Sound to cover the southern part of the island. So sorry but the reproduction below is not a good quality at all – it is starting on Sunday 11th Dec – through until Friday Dec 16th at the Fountain of Life Building…..

It is very heartening to see these two separate instances of generosity and valuable skills being brought to our island to benefit the local people.

On a personal note I was very happy to meet Bob and Robin at the Buccaneer one lunchtime this week . They told me how useful they had found some of the information on this blog to help with their trip here. They used to rent a place in Abaco which sadly was destroyed by Hurricane Dorian so they decided to visit Eleuthera instead. Bob had come here as a child and so it was revisiting for him – it is always a delight to hear from readers who I have never met before about how they follow the blog. Thank you to Bob and Robin for coming over and introducing yourselves to me – we hope to see you back here again …..

Other great news is that Bacchus Fine Foods is open again for shopping and lunching ! Their hours are below …..

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to acknowledge those small moments of joy to lift your heart – like finding fresh raspberries in the cooler at BFF !

8 thoughts on “Two free dental treatment programs in Eleuthera !”

  1. Hi Mrs. Kathy it an Awesome work you and your team is doing for Eleuthera for the citizens of the bahamas ,when will the Dental team be coming back to Eleuthera this year2023….


      So sorry that I have only just seen this – not sure what has happened. It will probably be December 2023 when they come back – that is when it usually is….

      1. Urgent! Urgent! ! Urgent! !! Could you kindly inform me on the time schedule for the ” GLO GOOD FOUNDATION/ LENNY’S KRAVITZ FOUNDATION RETURN TO ELEUTHRA FOR THE YEAR 2024. OUR HEARTS PAIENTLY AWAIT. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE. TAKE CARE, TOO.

  2. Patrice Nixon Cowan

    This is so awesome what you all are doing putting a smile back on every person face one person at a time it gives them confident in themselves again What a treasure to leave may God continue to keep guide and protect y’all lots of love♥️

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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