A lunch, a wedding and birthday…….

Plenty going on this last week with a lovely lunch, a wedding and a very special birthday – my mum Mary will be turning 93 on the day that you read this !

Fortunately we are both feeling a little better – so it has been nice to be out and about a little more. We went to a lovely lunch on Saturday as the guests of Shelby White – you remember we had Thanksgiving dinner with her last November. This time we ate lunch outside in the fresh air down by the pool under an open air pavilion. It was a delicious spread – pasta and parmesan cheese , chicken salad, green salad, bean salad and beautiful crusty bread followed by fresh fruit and chocolate cake …..

Fellow guests were a mix of people we already know and a couple on their first visit to Eleuthera. Betsy and Ed Cohen were only there for a couple of nights – but as we all know – that’s all it takes for Eleuthera to get under your skin and we hope to see them both back here soon. We had a very enjoyable time chatting with Betsy and Ed – a very interesting couple with a mine of good stories from a life well lived I suspect !

Me of course with Betsy Cohen enjoying lunch al fresco……

After the lunch – a quick change and then off to the wedding in Rock Sound of Rob Atwood – one of our project managers – and his beautiful bride Mary Culmer. She is from Rock Sound originally but has been working in Nassau until recently – great to have her back on island as she is a very talented masseuse and is looking to open a beauty salon here – bring it on !!

All looking a bit solemn signing the marriage register – congratulations to Mary and Rob…..
Serious business being a flower girl ……

And now the birthday of my Mum Mary. 93 on Thursday and fighting fit …… Eating well and sensibly and believing in her own health and fitness means that she is in tip top shape. Staying engaged with the world through her iPad and of course her daily swimming schedule all play a part in keeping her young at heart ……. Happy Birthday Mum – hope you have a lovely day !

Relaxing on her new outdoor sofa under the solar pergola
Mary with John and Jean Ianotti and their daughter Jody at her 90th birthday party 3 years ago
Ceci on my lap for morning meditation…..
While we were in Ft Lauderdale the last time we found this fantastic locksmith – I needed to get an unusual key cut – and they were fabulous. Didn’t have totally the right blank – but made it work with a little skillful work. I picked them out because they are called SMILEY and we like smiley – right ?

6 thoughts on “A lunch, a wedding and birthday…….”

  1. Happy Happy Birthday to your Mum, Mary, from her birthday “twin” across the pond in Atlanta! I hope I get to 93 and look so fabulous and fit!

  2. So glad you are feeling better.My husband and I were in Eleuthera for 3 1/2 weeks and wanted to stop in and meet you but I knew you were sick.Next time!I really want to meet Ceci too!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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