A swimming pool at Colman Towers and Happy Thanksgiving

Yes – news this week that we are putting in a swimming pool at Colman Towers – otherwise known as Buena Vista.

I have always said that I didn’t want the hassle of a swimming pool while we have lived here – but it seems that any potential buyer is only interested in where a swimming pool would go – so we have decided to go ahead and put one in. The hole is dug – as you will see from the picture the site is all rock with a thin covering of soil – but the backhoe and it’s driver made short work of it all and now we have a neat hole in the ground waiting to be made into a pool.

It will be well screened from the road with some attractive features which you will see at a later stage.

Just a hole in the ground at the moment
Brian was not happy at having her rectal temperature taken !

On Saturday I took a trip with our great friend Nancy down to Rock Sound for Brian to visit the Noah’s Ark Animal Centre and have her booster injection. We took the opportunity to go to the Market Place and stock up on some beautiful fresh fruit and vegetables. They had their delivery of supplies for Thanksgiving this week so it was a wonderful selection.

Good as gold with injections and de-worming however – Dr Italia Sands is such a lovely person with the animals and people alike
Such a choice !

And so we come to Thanksgiving ….. So much to be thankful for – friendships, family, a roof over our heads , no threat of war or any of the terrible situations that a lot of the world find themselves in. Good health , the care that Bob has received since his fall 6 months ago – his recovery – so very thankful for all of that….

I sat down at Sprawling Towers the other afternoon – well early evening and really looked at the clouds – there was a lot of blue sky but clouds on the horizon that had sunlight on them – and gazed at how beautiful and still it all was – and then a bird flew past and I actually heard the beating of its wings as it passed by. And again I was so very thankful to be connected to nature in the way I was. Just to bring me back to reality of course I found Rudge eating his way through some very smelly garbage across the road – but that’s life isn’t it. Moments of sheer joy and beauty with the usual wake-up call back to what is also going on around us.

Sorry – I know I am a bit obsessed with Brian – but I couldn’t resist this picture of her clambering down from the leaf canopy of the date palm outside our house where she likes to perch – and has done since she first appeared at Colman Towers !

Anyway I wish you all a truly happy Thanksgiving – enjoy your special day in the US and everywhere else where it is not officially celebrated do take a few moments to acknowledge and name what you are thankful for.

Finally also thankful that I heard that The Cove is re-opening next week. No details as yet – but watch this space.

And I just want to wish my sister Jane a Happy Belated Birthday – it was on Tuesday 23rd – this picture was taken 5 years ago in the UK celebrating her birthday then – where do the years go ????

6 thoughts on “A swimming pool at Colman Towers and Happy Thanksgiving”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Kathy, Bob and Mary! Yes, we have much for which to be grateful. Ian’s knee replacements tomorrow. He is already talking about returning to his marathon, three times a week, swimming, ASAP.
    Love to all. Eileen and Ian.

    1. Oh – please wish Ian all the best for his operation tomorrow – great news it is finally being done. Lovely to hear from you – thank you for your good wishes and much love to you all up there too…xx

    1. Thank you dear friend – it was a joy to select produce from down there ! Hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and see you back here soon….x

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you Kathy. You are so genuine with your blog. And I always flash back to that time in Ten Bay when you said you would blog every week…and you have. Cheers!

    1. Goodness Katie – I don’t actually remember saying that but I’m glad that you do. Hope you had a good day yesterday and I look forward to seeing you back here sometime soon …..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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