This week I am bringing you a heartening update on the Friends of the Library program which I wrote about a few weeks ago. Latest news is that 185 tablets have been purchased and delivered to students from Hatchet Bay down to Tarpum Bay. Altogether six primary schools and Central Eleuthera High School have all benefitted from this very successful program.
The package includes the tablet, a keyboard, a case , wi-fi hotspot, memory chip, and a sim card with some data. The funds raised so far are $34,000 for the tablets – the cost is between $175 – $230 per student – and $7000 for books. Michele Johnson tells me that local community support has been strong as well as generous support from Ms Shelby White and members of Friends of the Library. It is lovely to hear that many Bahamian families have donated generously to help with the program.
Michele stresses that some more tablets are still needed – so if you are looking to make a donation then your funds would be gratefully received.
Personally I think that this is one of the most successful community projects that I have heard of here on the island. Well done to everyone who has played a part in making this such a great venture….

Other good news – which we are all searching for – right ? – is that the island Farm is open again. Freshly baked bread should start next week – ready for Thanksgiving – personally I am looking forward to tasty cheese and onion sandwiches for lunch using their Cuban white bread. Cheese and onion sandwiches are a much underrated British pub delicacy – well maybe delicacy is not the right word – but they are delicious. Ideally you need to have a freshly baked , slightly crusty loaf of bread, some tip top crumbly cheddar cheese – available from Bacchus Fine Foods when they re-open – and raw red onion. Plenty of cheese and some thinly sliced red onion – Bob likes plenty – I prefer a smaller amount – and away you go ! Maybe a couple of breath freshening mints afterwards if you have an important meeting – but even now one of our favorite lunches !
As a sidenote I have a great affection for the Island Farm as that is where we got Joe Louis – our first and famous potcake from. Well famous to renters who came to Governors Estate during Joe’s reign ! And if that’s not a cue for for a lovely puppy picture then I don’t know what is – just what we need right now – cute puppy pictures !

Since we have had our garden room we have started to sit quietly and enjoy looking at the different birds coming and going …. In fact we have just decided to get a bird feeder for Christmas – but definitely one that is cat proof ! – Ceci is a hunter and does catch , kill and eat birds – so we do want one that she cannot get near …… The range of birds that come here – passing through while migrating – is very large and I have found a great resource which lists the different species. Of course what we also need are a couple of pairs of binoculars and a good bird book.
Looks like those lazy afternoons reclining on the couch gazing into space may be replaced with spates of bird watching……

Bob was sent this picture – taken in Double Bay of a pair of magnificent eagles – sea eagles I think but I’m sure , dear readers , that you can put me right . Almost worth taking up the pastime just to see if we can spot them …..

Well another lockdown here in Eleuthera this weekend – the Prime Minister is due to speak on Sunday evening and we all have our fingers crossed that restrictions will either be lifted or more likely eased slightly…..
Take care , stay safe and find the joy and gratitude through the difficult times we are going through……

4 thoughts on “An update on the Friends of the Library program.”
A wonderful blog, Kathy! So uplifting! Love all the news and photos of the animals. They are not really animals—right? Well, some are.
To some people they are – to us they are family !! Stay safe and lovely as always to hear from you ….
Morning. Just recently started reading your blog since we will be relocating to Rock Sound in January if all goes as it should. We want to make it home and your blog really gives it a homely feel. Thanks for that!
Great news about you moving to Rock Sound – and even better news that you found the blog !! Sorry I didn’t post this yesterday – for some reason it was in my junk mail – along with another comment ….. keep on reading !