And the latest news here in Eleuthera is……

And the latest news here in Eleuthera is not what we really want to hear ….. On island we are now subject to a 6pm – 5am curfew from Monday to Friday with total lockdown over the weekends. Businesses can run as normal – unless you are a restaurant that serves alcohol. Restaurants can open from 7am – 6pm Monday to Friday – but not serve alcohol as I said. So the re-opening of 1648 – the restaurant at French Leave Resort which I so happily announced last week is now delayed until these restrictions are lifted.

The Buccaneer has removed all traces of their bar contents so that it can continue to allow dine-in and takeout during the hours allowed. As I am sure I have told you all before I really believe that the only security in life is the ability to adapt to change – and this is what the Buccaneer continues to do – and with good spirt. But it becomes increasingly difficult to put a brave face on the situation ….

The bar without the booze !

The Prime Minister has brought in these lockdown and curfew conditions because numbers of Covid cases have risen on the island of Eleuthera – but strangely no lockdown on Spanish Wells where there have been many cases of people testing positive. The mood here is a little frustrated – many people are beyond feeling the pinch and are very upset at the tightening of restrictions just as quarantine restrictions were lifted. Personally we had a 2 week booking for one of the rental houses cancelled on the day the guests were due to arrive solely because of the lockdown. And I know that this is happening to a lot of people who rely on the rental market. We have to suck it on as they say in this neck of the woods !

The Bahamas Defense Force is here in the harbour ! – quite what for we don’t know – but very impressive and happy for me to take pictures of the ship ……

And now to report a little joy here ….. On Saturday Bob and I went to the wedding of Nisha Mcklewhite and Perry Sands. They have been together for many years – not without a few blips – but nonetheless it was a truly joyous occasion. Nisha works as the main cook at Tippy’s – although it is so long since any of us were there that you would be forgiven for not immediately remembering her ! and Perry works for Colman Design on the construction site.

The ten groomsman waiting for the bridal party to arrive…. All color co-ordinated masks please note !

The wedding had been delayed twice because of restrictions – but it just snuck in under the radar on Saturday before restrictions were announced on Sunday evening. It was held at the Baptist church on Cupid’s Cay which has had a major renovation. Individual upholstered chairs replace the wooden pews – very welcome when you are sitting there for 2 1/2 hours ! Families could sit together – but otherwise everyone was socially distanced and sanitized their hands before being ushered to their seats.

Now me with my color co-ordinated mask – but sadly just a white disposable one !

The wedding party was a sight to see – 10 bridesmaids and 10 groomsmen all with masks that matched their outfits. In fact everyone in the church was wearing a mask. It was a truly joyful wedding and so lovely to be a part of it – the ray of sunshine that we needed.

The storm came late on Saturday night and boy it lashed us with some heavy winds and torrential rain. We think that coming from the UK we know all about rain – but man – that Bahamian horizontal rain is in a class of it’s own !

Ceci and Rudge in the garden room looking out at the wild lashing of the wind and rain ….
Now I know that this is a very pretty peachy / pinky fungus – it was growing just outside the Peach House apartments – but anyone know what it is called ?

Just back from a fabulous lunch at Da Perk – avocado sandwiches with a warm cabbage salad – it was really tasty. The dressings and whatnot that Horatio makes are so darned good ….. Give him a try if you are on island…. As usual I ate it before I took any pictures….

Have a good week and work on that courageous heart we all need right now …..

3 thoughts on “And the latest news here in Eleuthera is……”

  1. We read in the online version of The Nassau Tribune that the Government would be sending in support for the police on Eleuthera to help enforce the lockdown. That must be why the Defense Force is there! What an amazing photo of French Leave Beach in a storm – thanks for going out in that awful weather to take it!

    June Robb

    1. Thanks for the info – it wasn’t actually raining when I took the picture – that came later – but it does look very dramatic !

  2. That mushroom looks like a form of “stink horn”. Does it have an odor? Probably not a good choice for your next pasta sauce!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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