Bacchus Fine Foods re-opens and other good news !

Great news this week that Bacchus Fine Foods is re-opening after a well deserved break. We are so looking forward to being able to buy delicious fresh bread and cheeses as well as all the fabulous deli items – never mind another place to go for fabulous lunches or brunches. We often go there on a Sunday for lunch with my Mum – it is a favorite for all of us. Plus the happy hour evening on a Wednesday has been very much missed !

Of course in the meantime we have been enjoying fresh bread from the Island Farm – but that is only on Tuesdays and Fridays. By the way do check out the Farm for all sorts of new goodies in their fridge. They are now selling a great variety of ready made quiches which is very handy if you want an easy supper – as well as many other items.

Bob with our kind and gracious host and long time Eleuthera home owner Shelby White. So stylish – she rocks the black arm sling she is wearing !

Last week I told you we were going to a friend’s home here in Eleuthera for Thanksgiving dinner – well what a treat it was …….. Really delicious turkey – which we all know can be a disappointment – I must check out with the cook how she made it so moist and juicy. The last time I enjoyed turkey so much was when Bob and I were on vacation in Kauai in 2001 and we ate turkey that was cooked overnight wrapped in leaves in a pit….

OK – usual story – had completely finished our delicious meal when I suddenly realized I had forgotten to take a picture – so here is what you see instead – a well cleared plate …. And I just noticed my own feet below the table – funny shot !

Anyway back to last week – turkey and all the trimmings – really good stuffing, gravy , sweet potato mash and buttered asparagus. And yes of course I did have a second plateful ! It was followed by pumpkin pie as well as cheesecake. Deserts as you all know are not my thing but I did have a sliver of pumpkin pie.

With fellow guests Harold Koda and Chantell Carey

The company was great as well – it is always lovely to meet new people as well as enjoy being with old friends and I particularly enjoyed meeting some of our great host – Shelby White’s – friends. There was interesting conversation, wonderful food in a charming setting and lots that we all found to be thankful for. And I didn’t mention yet that our host Shelby organized all of this with a painful broken collar bone ! Such a star !

Pumpkin pie or cheesecake – or both ?

So now we are hurtling towards Christmas – how lucky we are in Eleuthera to not have Christmas rammed down our throats all the time – it has a much more leisurely feel and smugly knowing that my major Christmas shopping is done – read last week’s blog if you don’t know what I’m talking about – means I can be more relaxed about the holidays season……

This is one of my very favorite pictures of Bob and I – taken just after we came back from our trip to Kauai in 2001 – and incidentally taken in one of our favorite Indian restaurants in Oxford !

4 thoughts on “Bacchus Fine Foods re-opens and other good news !”

  1. Ah, what an honor to enjoy Shelby’ s company among others, she being the Levy benefactor and archeological, museum and library patron. Kauai in 2001? What trip before it became an eco tourist destination now, despite ongoing preservation! You both always look terrific. Cheers.

  2. Kathy,

    Late Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bob! And, an early Merry (or, do we say “Happy”) Christmas to you both. I especially love the Thanksgiving day photos. It looks like a really lovely home. For some reason, it reminds me of the old Potlatch. Very English.

    I love your empty plate and your wonderful sandals! You are a fashion mavin!

    1. Yes – it is a beautiful traditional home – very elegant – just like Shelby herself ! And we do say Merry Christmas ! Lovely as always to hear from you ….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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