And so dear readers this week I bring you news of changes at Governors Estate as well as other news. Bob and I decided during lockdown earlier in the year that we both would like a less stressful life than we have been living. A taste of a more relaxed way of being – even if it was not from choice – surprised both of us by how much we enjoyed it. After much talking we decided that it was the time to put four of the houses at Governors Estate up for sale.
We talked with Angelika Bacchus – in her capacity as a realtor with Damianos Sothebys – and she put the houses on the market in early June. Well amazingly we had sales agreed on all 4 by the end of June !! Of course progress on the completion of the sales has been slow and delayed because of government offices in Nassau being closed or working much reduced hours – but we now have closings on Sweetcorn House and Fond Memories – with Yellow House due to close in a week or two – and finally Tops will close in early January – fingers crossed.

The good news is that all 4 purchasers do wish to continue to rent the houses out – and Joy and Dominic will continue as property managers – a great opportunity for them to develop their business – they will continue as Governors Harbour Collection.
We also have a couple of good interests in apartments at Anchor Point – and after quarantine finishes on November 1st hopefully these people can visit and develop things further.
Boundless thanks to Angelika Bacchus and the people she works with for making this miracle happen – we never could have imagined that events would turn out this way …….

We are looking forward – after 16 years of really hard work here in Eleuthera – to enjoying the fruits of our labors. Of course we are looking forward to the freedom of being able to travel much more extensively when the restrictions caused by Covid are lifted – visiting friends and family and places we have always wanted to see……. But home will continue to be in Governors Harbour for us.

I will miss the personal contact with all the guests who have become friends over the years – and the joy of meeting the wonderful and interesting people who rent our homes – but of course we will stay in touch with many of them. The plan is that we are going to build a new home for ourselves very close by – and that is an exciting project for us to be working on – and how right that the last house we design and build is finally for ourselves !
The other night we enjoyed a small party hosted by Angelika and Sandy – eating outside – to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. The food was fabulous – especially the stuffing which was spinach, artichoke and Brie cheese. And also a sweetcorn soufflé’s type thingy – absolutely great tastes. Of course there was baked ham, roast turkey, mashed potatoes and asparagus as well – definitely a 2 Tums night for me !
The joy of meeting in small safe groups – and at this time of year being able to plan the evening to eat outside – is a great gift that we all continue to appreciate…..

I have just zipped through reading a great book – called The Salt Path and written by Raynor Winn. It is non-fiction and the true account of incredible strength and resilience in the face of hugely difficult circumstances. Ray and her husband Moth lose their home and become homeless a matter of days after he has been given a diagnosis of a degenerative brain disease for which there is no cure. They are in their fifties and are facing a bleak future. It is story of resilience and the triumph of the human spirit and is a sobering read for anyone who thinks that their situation is hopeless or difficult. Highly recommended and I am waiting the arrival with baited breath for the follow up book called Wild Silence.
Another top tip if you are looking for something gripping to watch on Netflix is a British series called Line of Duty. Bob and I binge watched 3 series of it over the last week or so – and now we have to wait until 2021 for the new series – filming was halted earlier this year thanks to our friend Covid 19 ! Series 3,4 and 5 are available – we missed 1 and 2 – but it doesn’t spoil picking it up from series 3. It is all about a Police Anti Corruption Unit – lots of plot twists and turns – gripping !

So dear readers – the plan is to carry on writing this blog – it has very deliberately never been a vehicle for advertising or promoting our rental properties – and I intend at the moment to carry on with it in the same way…. Take care, stay safe and keep your spirits nourished and nurtured….

28 thoughts on “Changes at Governors Estate and other news”
Hi Kathy,
It’s Elise Platt Dan and Larry’s friend.Hope you are well. I fully understand your decision…I too have backed into a slowdown in lifestyle. I hope your mum is doing well.I’m glad to hear you will be staying in Governor’s. I’m sure you will keep busy.
Can you send me the information on the anchor Bay properties. They have always intrigued me.
Stay well, stay safe. Thanks.
Thanks Elise for this – I am sending you a link to the properties at Anchor Point … But here it is as well …
I think many of us at this stage in our lives have taken Covid as a teacher to look at our lifestyles and reassess what is important to us . Mum is doing well. Take care and stay safe….
Be sure to keep THE CHAIR!!!!!
Ha !
Hi Kathy
On to new adventures and a bit of R&R so glad you are still going to be writing the blog so we can keep up with the next exciting chapter lots of love to you both xx
How lovely to know that you read the blog ! Hope that you are well and staying safe xxx
Congratulations on the sales and the new build! I recommend installing a bar and Wonky House, like all sane people on the island.
Thank you Daniel – I will bear your recommendation in mind !!!
Happiness on you future endeavors. I must say I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief that the blog will continue as it has. Thank you!
And thank you – no plans to halt the blog at all !
Oh dear Kathy and Bob. So happy for you. It seems life is always moving in a new direction offering many possibilities. And here you are again…remembering whence you first moved to GHB and reconfiguring your lives that we all know are filled with, love, benevolence, hope and gratitude…and scrumptious foods with friends. Well done! And here’s a wink to knowing you’ve retrieved some of your favorites prior to sale. Hi to Mary.
As ever,
Donna and Stuart
Thanks Donna – we will surely see you next time you are here whenever that may be….. Great as always to hear from you ….
I’m so glad you are making choices that lead to your happiness. This journey we call life has so many paths and various seasons. This time period will be known as The Age of Well-Being and Satisfaction. xx
Thank you Susie – lovely words……
Kathy, best of luck with the new, more relaxed lifestyle. You and Bob deserve it. Although we’re Yanks, we are addicted to British detective series. We’ve seen every episode of “Line of Duty” and loved it. We’ve watched almost everything on Acorn TV. I assume you’ve seen “Foley’s War,” “Broadchurch,” “Magic Valley” and “Marcella.”
Kay Tucker Addis
Oops, “Foyle’s War!”
Actually no – we need to catch up on some of these – thank you for the recommendations. Hope that you are both well…. Lovely to hear from you – stay safe ….
I love it it transports me Thankyou
Lots of love to you both xx
As the new owners of Sweet Corn House, we are delighted to have discovered this blog and intend to follow it avidly. :-). We look forward to spedning more time in GH!
Oh Marcie – how perfect ! Hoping to see you soon…..
Dear Kathy and Bob, we are delighted to hear that you are successful in selling your beautiful properties. You have both worked hard for yourselves and your community and now we wish you a well deserved peace and contentment in your retirement.
Love, Eileen, Ian and all the Grays.
Thank you for this – looking forward to seeing you back here soon xxx
I have been reading your blog for awhile now. We have a home on Cat Island, so finding your weekly blog gives me a feel for what is going on in the Family Islands. Thank you for being so consistent, not an easy task. I try and do an annual update which is hard enough! Kudos.
We follow all our recommended guidelines here in Canada, with the weather definitely turning cooler here, itching to get back. Waiting until at least after November 1st to see how the new protocols are implemented and executed. Testing on Cat Island, cannot even fathom how that will transpire. Once again, thank you for providing your weekly blog. Just a little tidbit, my maiden name is Cathy Kollman, growing up I was always saying Cathy with a”C” and Kollman with a “K”!
How lovely to hear that you have been reading the blog and thanks for your kind words. That is a funny coincidence with your name – I love that ! I look forward to hearing how things are on Cat Island once you are back there.
Congradulations on this big change in your life! I am so glad that you will be staying on Eleuthera and continuing the blog! Thank you, Kathy. I really look forward to it.
Best to everyone!
Thank you – keep safe …..
How lovely that you’ve been able to set a clear plan then implement the first part of it so quickly. It all sounds so sensible – we only pass this way once and we ought to try live life as happily as we can.
We hope to see you at some point soon but in the meantime we are sitting things out in Cornwall still. The Cheltenham apartment is too far from the sea these days when travel is discouraged we find.
Line 9f Duty indeed! We’ve recently worked our way through Luther and enjoyed it. Have you tried it? Idris Elba. He then took us back to The Wire which we hadn’t watched for years and are thoroughly enjoying again.
Best wishes
Ruth and Mark
Cornwall sounds a lovely option I must say ….. We will take a look at Luther – thanks for the tip !