Yes – news that Fish Fry is coming back to Governor’s Harbour on Friday nights as well as another few snippets of news.
Fish Fry was supposed to re-start last week but a mix up over the licensing meant that it didn’t happen – but fingers crossed it will be starting this week in time for all the visitors, and locals for that matter , who want to enjoy an outside social gathering. Of course it is up to individuals to remain mindful and wear a mask and not huddle too close together with strangers – but I’m sure that it will be a great success.

The Christmas decorations are going up all over the island – not least at Colman Towers – where our collection of inflatable decor has expanded this year. We have Santa waving at everybody from outside the office at the bottom of the hill and it brings a smile to many faces which of course is what it is all about. The icicles are strung around Colman Towers, the twig trees are lit and our lovely reindeer is standing sentry outside the front door.

Last week we had a gathering for dinner at our house – there were 7 of us – so not too many but enough to make it feel slightly festive. Absolutely no pictures were taken so you have to take my word that a good time was had by all – Dan and Larry and their house guest Sue from New York as well as Mark and his house guest Bev from Minnesota. It is the first dinner party for more than 4 of us we have had since the first lockdown 18 months ago so it was a delight to feel that a little bit of normal was happening again.
It was our wedding anniversary on the 14th December – 27 years – and we celebrated with a day trip to Spanish Wells . In fact I had to go to SW to get my darned plantar warts lazered off by Dr Cliff Bacchus but that doesn’t sound much like a celebratory day does it ? Anyway after the rather uncomfortable lazering we went to Wreckers for a really lovely unhurried lunch – extremely good food – I had a Wreckers salad with tempura battered shrimp, all beautifully cooked and presented and Bob had pasta with chicken parmesan.

We sat looking out at the water and boats with a couple of cold beers and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Then a leisurely drive home and evening spent relaxing and reminiscing about our great party 2 years ago here at Colman Towers and our wedding day in London 27 years ago.
Sprawling Towers is coming on well and Dom Cant took some terrific drone shots showing the progress of the house. Still trying to get the exterior paint color just right – I want something that is like pink sand – but finding exactly the right shade and seeing in bright sunny days as well as the infrequent duller days that we have here is a work in progress – but getting closer !

The new pool at Colman Towers is also progressing well and I can’t wait to get started on the screening and decking areas around it. Bob has done a great design which will look fabulous – I know he is my husband but he truly is a great designer and has a wonderful eye for scale and detail…. Although the garden looks absolutely terrible at the moment with all the lawn turned to a dirt patch and blocks and sand all over the place – it will soon be transformed into something that looks as if it has always been there. Then bring on the potential purchasers who will fall in love with the whole place …..

The opening of Bacchus Fine Foods is eagerly anticipated – can’t wait but I will have to – should be next week – just in time for Christmas. Well that’s pretty much all for this week so keep on with all your holiday preparations and remember the lost and the lonely – especially the ones that do a great job of pretending that everything is wonderful when really they are feeling very different behind closed doors…..

6 thoughts on “Fish Fry is coming back on Friday nights and other news”
Happy Anniversary and Merry Christmas! Sprawling Towers and your new pool look amazing!
Thank you so much – Merry Christmas to you all as well. Hope to see you down here in the New Year ….
Dear Kathy and Bob, Seasons greetings from ‘locking down again’ Toronto.
Wishing you a bright and happy New Year.
Thank you for your continuing blogs.
Warmest best wishes.
Love to both. Eileen, Ian and family.
Lovely to hear from you Eileen – and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas as well…. We hope that Ian is recovering well from his knee operations. Lookin g forward to seeing you back here sometime soon xxx
Late to reading your news. Judging by these here and previous shots of “Sprawling Towers,” you and Bob have outdone yourselves. Obviously, you are incorporating the best of your previous experience and design knowhow to create a masterpiece! Stunning.
Our state is high on the Covid register and we are hunkering down in an attempt to remain safe. We’re vaxed and boostered. Sorting everything here prior to arrival in GHB in seven weeks’ time. Anticipating many changes there since March 2020!
Thanks always for your news.
Happy Christmas to you, Bob and Mary.
May the New Year proceed eventfully!
Love, Donna & Stuart
Lovely to hear from you and lookin g forward to seeing you in 7 weeks ! keep safe and have a lovely Christmas x