Friday Night Fish Fry is Back and Other Entertainment

Yes good friends – Friday night Fish Fry is back – up and running as from last Friday. I know I told you back some time ago – before Christmas I think – that it was coming back but it actually happening now for sure. We rarely ever go ourselves but I know it is a great draw for many visitors so this will be a big boost.

Tuesday nights at The Buccaneer are another very popular destination with their live music – I hear that you need ideally to book a table so call 242 332 2000 to do just that. While you are there pop in the shop and have a look at the prints that they are selling to raise more money for the Governors Harbour Fire and Rescue fund. The originals were painted by my brother in law – Bob Billingsby – 5 years ago and then back in the UK he had them made into prints. Well we gave a few away to our renters and then they were put on the top shelf of a cupboard and pretty much forgotten until I was sorting through the cupboard with Jane last week. I decide to donate them to the cause and asked Michele Johnson if they would sell them in their shop. Sorry we cannot ship these so you have to come here and purchase them in person. A bargain at $25 each with a small discount for buying 3 or more.

Top end of French Leave Beach for those of you who don’t recognize it…
Now you can’t claim to be a regular visitor to Eleuthera if you don’t recognize where this is !

Bob met up with the lovely Shelby White the other day and presented her with a Fire and Rescue T shirt as a small token of thanks for her very generous support to the cause. She instantly popped it on and modeled it beautifully.

Bob and Shelby White – wearing the GHFR T shirt ….

Shelby is a very interesting woman – she has been coming to Eleuthera since the late sixties and has owned a home here since 1985 – maybe I can talk her into a short interview for the blog as she has many stories to tell I know !

Jane, my sister has now returned to England – she has been the most amazing help to me over the month she was here – I think that we have broken the back of the sorting and packing – although there is still the attic to tackle – that will be a marathon and I am calling in the troops for assistance !

Last lunch at Tippy’s before she left ….

Sprawling Towers is progressing well – a slight delay for us as the ceiling insulation has been held up because the truck that sprays the foam has a technical hitch. But it shouldn’t be long – then the sheet rock can go up. Bob and I have pretty much finalized the plans for the built in library shelves in the long hallway – that will be exciting when that construction starts. Did I mention that when we were in Palm Beach the other week we found a fabulous bookstore called Assouline that sells large format coffee table books – along with a beautiful stand to look through them on ? Well we managed to not buy any just yet but they are on the list !

We are nipping over to Ft Lauderdale again next week as I have to have a 10 week check up with the orthodontist to see how my Invisalign is working. I am hideously motivated to do exactly as I am told and I do see a small difference already. The app on my phone tells me I have 238 days to a perfect smile !!!! I am trying to not plan too much at all for this trip – like I have said before – we have forgotten how to relax and we need to spend a little time remembering how to do that.

Jane took this great shot of Rudge sleeping with his head against the wall….
And finally how about this picture from March 2005 – with dear Joe-Louis

So take care everybody and have a great week….


6 thoughts on “Friday Night Fish Fry is Back and Other Entertainment”

  1. You never cease to surprise!
    Those Bob Billingsby prints look lovely.
    Be nice to add one to my art collection.
    Perhaps I’ll email Michele and have her hold the Tippy’s one until we return in 2023!
    I bet the floor under Rudge is getting warm with his body heat after the tile cooled him off.
    Speaking of books, I bought the new “Bill Cunningham On the Street” book. Cool photo compilation 😉


      Lovely to hear from you Donna now that all the problems are solved with the blog. Love the sound of the Bill Cunningham book – I will look at it for when we have the new library I think.

  2. Any recommendation for a dentist,dermatologist,etc, in Ft Lauderdale? I hear Cleveland Clinic is good but we don’t know anyone there. Joe Louis was adorable!


    The dermatologist we recommend is at – both of the doctors have treated Bob and we can’t recommend them highly enough. They are on Oakland Park Blvd. Our lovely dentist – Dr Stone is also on Oakland Park Blvd – his number is 954 568 9100. He is working less hours these days – he is retirement age but still going at the moment… Good luck and let me know how you get on .

    1. Thank you so much! I forgot to ask about an eye Dr as well.I need my pressures checked from time to time and my husband will need cataract surgery at some point.I know you wrote about you and Bob having eye surgery awhile ago.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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