Halloween shenanigans in Governors Harbour Eleuthera

There were plenty of Halloween shenanigans in Governors Harbour this week …. When Bob and I left the UK thirteen years ago to come and live in Eleuthera not much was made of Halloween in the UK, but now I understand that situation has changed and it is quite a big thing there as well.

At Bacchus Fine foods with pirate Bob, the bat lady and good friend Frank Fatoric
At Bacchus Fine foods with pirate Bob, the bat lady and good friend Frank Fatoric

The party kicked off on Friday night at Bacchus Fine Foods – it was good fun with some delicious food as well as Happy Hour drinks….. Earlier that day – but not much earlier – Angelika was persuaded to go ahead with the plans to open up the shop into another room – for dining. Anyone who has been to BFF knows that it has been very cosy – but now with the new dining area and a newly proposed bar it is going to be more spacious. There were some great costumes, but actually – I know I am biased – none were better than Bob’s ! A little beard kit from Halloween City in FL , one of my scarves and a bit of make-up and Bob made a great pirate !

More guests showing the halloween spirit !
More guests showing the halloween spirit !

As I have had a lousy cough and cold which has left me feeling like I am walking around with my head in a bucket of water I actually only wore my inflatable bat headdress – I couldn’t cope with wearing a hot sweaty nylon wig. But it worked a treat – I may wear it more often !!

I love this picture even though you can't see us ....
I love this picture even though you can’t see us ….
OK - now you can ....
OK – now you can ….

Halfway through the evening we popped out as I had been invited to judge the children fancy dress completion at a great little party organized for the local children in GH by the Harbour Boys Junkanoo group. It was a riot – plenty of music, lots of running around and scoffing popcorn and candy floss – or cotton candy as it is called in the US.

The 2 prize winners
The 2 prize winners
Look at this gorgeous little morsel !
Look at this gorgeous little morsel !

Judging something like that is actually a poison chalice – I could only pick one girl and one boy so there were a few very disappointed little ones – and even a few tears – I felt so sorry – but once the candy floss started being handed out it was all smiles again…..

Paris Sands looking like a fire should really look !
Paris Sands looking like a fairy should really look !

Tuesday night was of course the big night up at Colman Towers – our skeleton pirate went down well again – even though some of the children were pretty scared …… I gave out vast amounts of candy – apparently it is a favorite stopping place for lots of the kids – they know we have funny things like the pirate and plenty of sweets – this year we had more than ever visitors – I have no way of keeping count of them but believe me there were loads !  If they are in costume they get more candy – but of course I can tell that a lot of them do not have any money for dressing up outfits so I can’t be too mean can I ?  I told all of them that they had to clean their teeth after eating candy – or they would all drop out by next Halloween – I wonder how many took any notice if that little pearl of wisdom !

Another well dressed bunch
Another well dressed bunch

Rudge was kept in the house – I thought he would go nuts – but actually although he barked a few times he was really well behaved. He is growing into a lovely dog – still more training needed however !

One of my favorite creative costumes !
One of my favorite creative costumes !

My Mum -Mary – told me about an interesting article she read on line about the origins of Halloween – I always thought it originated in the US – but I was wrong – check out this link to the article and you will find that a lot of the origins were from the UK dating back to the 8th Century onwards – extraordinary ! The reasons why we celebrate today

Just look at this mob ! There were swarms of them ....
Just look at this mob ! There were swarms of them ….
Who is that mystery man ????
Who is that mystery man ????
In the middle of the shot is Clifford - one of the pupils from the Exceptional Learners Centre - look how tall he is now - nearly as tall as the darned pirate !
In the middle of the shot is Clifford – one of the pupils from the Exceptional Learners Centre – look how tall he is now – nearly as tall as the darned pirate !

One of the important things to remember in life is not to forget to make time for enjoyable lazy lunches with friends and on Saturday Bob and I joined good friend Frank Fatoric – visiting from Toronto – and Michele Johnson for a delicious catch up …… The setting was lovely and the food was yummy – and it was a real luxury to spend a couple of hours laughing and eating and generally having a good relaxing time. In the midst of busy working weeks a break like that is a godsend – so a big thank you to Frank for hosting a lunchtime treat……

Frank, Bob and Michele
Frank, Bob and Michele
I LOVE a good caprese salad and this was delicious !
I LOVE a good caprese salad and this was delicious !

OK – that’s all – sorry it’s not longer Marilyn !






11 thoughts on “Halloween shenanigans in Governors Harbour Eleuthera”

  1. Wow! What a fun time you had and SO many costumed visitors to delight in. You’ve really made this an annual event for children there. Kudos. Like last Halloween, we had none. A wind and rain storm hit our region here in New England and dampened most events…but spirits were high nonetheless. I know who that mystery man is…but I won’t tell! Cheers

  2. I am so very impressed with how you bring such wonderful Halloween fun to so many Island children each year! I’m sure all the kids eagerly anticipate their to visit GHE each Oct. 31st and will remember the fun for years to come.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Yes – it just sort of happened and now I wouldn’t dare be away or out on that date !! I just fear for the children’s teeth !

  3. As a retired dentist, I will reassure you that teeth damage from episodic Halloween treats are just not the problem in Eleuthera! More likely, it’s lack of exposure to preventive care and routine hygiene at home. This includes the fact that there is not fluoride in the water there. I wish I could be there in October, then we could maybe provide fun exposure to this!

  4. Greetings from a very ccccold Toronto. Looks like Halloween on the island was a great success. I live in the neighborhood where there is a parade and at least 3000 people took part. The streets were closed, and the Hollywood lights were a shining and I managed to get the night off work. Hehe.
    Bob and Kathy, I am so thrilled that you took the time out of your extremely busy lives to attend my little luncheon with Michele.
    We must do it this the next time I come down and make it an annual or semi annual event.
    It was great to catch up on all our lives.
    What’s next, oh yes Thanksgiving.
    Until your next blog.
    Ciao Frank

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Lovely to hear from you… Sounds like a major’do’ for Halloween up there ! You are now officially on the blog !! XX

  5. Cynthia Dougherty

    Dear Kathy,

    Love your blog.

    I have some questions about golf carts and wonder if you can please email me.

    I sent a note along but not sure I have the right address for you!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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