You don’t really need me to remind you that these are hard times around the world – it is there every time we turn on the news or our computers or look on social media. It can be overwhelming and keeping a sense of balance about it all is something that as you all know I am very keen to promote. My belief is that if we can help people around us – in our own communities – even if it is small ways – then that is what we can do to help this global situation.
I do want to bring to your attention the plight of the family of Kevin Cooper – the Bahamian artist who lives right here in Rock Sound. His wife Hope has been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastasized breast cancer. Because of lockdown her diagnosis was delayed – now the family are in Texas at the M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston …… The Cooper family have a Go Fund Me page – to which this is the link – please read what Kevin has to say and if you have enjoyed seeing his paintings of Eleuthera then please think about making a donation – huge or tiny – it doesn’t matter – because it all matters. Here is a link to his website as well …..

It is a sad story in some ways – but in others it is an uplifting one. The idea of lots and lots of people donating small amounts of money – some by people who will never know the family concerned – as you know is very close to my heart. Realistically there is no way any one of us can totally solve the problems that are surrounding us …… But if lots of us play a small part then all together it can add up to a lot of help. Just because we can’t solve the problem alone doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do a bit…..
I have watched quite coincidentally prior to hearing this news a series of programs on Youtube called Secret Millionaire. The power of someone to change the lives of others in such a positive way is very moving – I don’t think I watched a single episode without shedding a few tears.
If you have had the experience of being helped by others at a time when you desperately needed it – as we have – then I know that this will resonate with you.

OK – now for a little light relief to balance out a very serious situation….
We have a room upstairs at Colman Towers that we called the warehouse. It became the dumping ground for anything and everything that was not immediately needed. It got so bad that it was hard to pick your way through it – and so like many people I just kept the door closed ! Well dear readers – this week with the assistance of 3 trusty helpers – I tackled it ! It is not totally finished yet – but very nearly ….. The relief I feel at being able to actually walk around the room is wonderful. Please don’t mention the attic yet !!!

We also had a lovely time at a small party held to celebrate the birthday of Carolyn Taylor. We all gathered at their house on the hill in Governors Harbour and relished being able to be together , eat, drink, dance around and generally let our hair down…… Such a fun evening and a treat to be cherished at this time…..

Last snippet for those of you on island – Bacchus Fine Foods are doing really great pizzas for takeout Monday to Friday. Bob and I shared one the other day…. half and half – prosciutto and pineapple for Bob – caramelized onion and anchovy for me . Call on 242 470 9019 to order …… Very highly recommended !

4 thoughts on “Hard Times Around the World …….”
I am profoundly saddened to hear about Hope’s illness. I cannot agree with you more …. by helping others (even just a little bit) we find joy in our lives. xx
Thank you for this – to be able to help in any way is always a joy we need to notice…. Stay safe….
Thanks, Kathy, for the Kevin head’s up. I became friendly with him after buying a couple of his pieces. I will donate ASAP. As for Bob’s taste in pizza toppings….as a NYer, I am troubled.
Miss you both!
See you in….2021??!!
Thank you for that Daniel – I totally agree with you about Bob’s taste in pizza topping ! – embarrassing ……