Here we are then – sauntering through September – the middle of the month already !! Last week I was told about a great new centre opening in Palmetto Point – so I went along and had a chat with Betera Taylor who along with her husband Owen Taylor is behind the new venture.
It is called The Myriad and is sited at Palmetto Point crossroads. It is a community centre based business that offers the opportunity for various entrepreneurial local people to come together as a community and offer their services – take a look at their flyers to see the variety of different services available.

Betera and Owen Taylor have a farm up in Hatchet Bay and they distribute and sell their produce throughout the island from the base in Palmetto Point. They are now employing a couple of local young men to do the deliveries for them – getting their produce out there and creating a couple of jobs…. Plus they offer a site for other farmers to sell their own produce.

Betera Taylor is a vibrant and enthusiastic woman with some great ideas for bringing the community together for everyone’s benefit. The network that she and her husband create can do a huge amount of good with the variety of services they can offer.

This is a difficult time economically on the island – as well as the rest of the world – and this is an innovative idea that has huge potential. Let’s wish Owen and Betera the very best in this new venture – we will be supporting them wherever we can.
We had a lovely evening at Colman Towers last week with Angelika Bacchus and Sandy – they came for supper and brought champagne and wine – wonderful gifts that were consumed that evening ! Maybe it was the champagne that did it but before we knew it – it was 10.30pm – way past the Colman’s normal bedtime – and on a school night as well ! We had a tasty tomato salad – recipe by Ottolenghi from his book called Simple. Thank you to Cassius Colman for turning me on to that particular recipe. Then we ate an old favorite – trofie pasta with chargrilled salmon and asparagus, broccoli and peas with chopped fresh herbs and lemon zest. No desert as we were all stuffed ….

These evenings with friends are precious at a time when restaurants are so limited here on the island – plus I actually prefer the intimacy of a small gathering where you can really talk to your friends.
Last snippet this week is a recommendation for a Netflix program – called My Octopus Teacher. It is a very moving and unusual documentary film that Bob and I watched the other evening – I hope you enjoy it too….. Many lessons to learn from it…..