How to go from liking to obsession in a few easy steps !

Orange bags

How to go from liking a color to obsession with it is just a few easy steps I have discovered !

Living here in Eleuthera I love to have bright colors around me and orange is one of my favorite colors – or so I thought . I decided it would make a fun little post to talk about orange – but as I started to gather things together for a few pictures I discovered that this may have become a bit of an obsession ……

Here at Governors Estate the Yellow House has an orange themed bedroom, Sweetcorn House has a bedroom which is also orange themed , the downstairs apartment at the Peach House – guess what – yes – orange…..

Yellow House master bedroom
Yellow House master bedroom

Sofa cushions at the Yellow House, candle votives , Veuve Cliquot champagne bottle sleeves ,the new coffee machine,  hmmm – quite a few bits and pieces as well seem to be orange……

Then I came to our own house – not so much in the decor as in personal stuff – alarming !!

So I bought a lovely set of 3 orange storage boxes which I have in the bedroom – from One Kings Lane – the online flash sale site where I buy a lot of the bits and pieces that I furnish the properties with……

Orange storage boxes
Orange storage boxes

Then shoes……

Orange shoes
Orange shoes

Bags and wallets, iPad cover, phone case , passport cover ….

Orange bags
Orange bags

Orange sweaters and shirt plus watches and bracelet ….

getting a bit scary now....
getting a bit scary now….

Even toiletries –

getting really scary !
getting really scary !

So then I thought that I would sit down at my desk and write up the blog  – oh my goodness – an orange desk. I love this Parsons desk from one of my favorite furnishing stores – West Elm – they no longer sell the desk in orange but it is available in white and chocolate.


My desk ....
My desk ….


and chair – also from West Elm

West Elm chair


So what was behind all of this orange ?

As I thought about it it dawned on me that maybe I was compensating for the lack of orange somewhere else …

From the time I was in my very early thirties until last year I had red hair – or more accurately orange hair as children often used to point out. Totally fake and colored – but I always said I was a spiritual redhead if not a natural one.

By last year my hair had turned white and coloring it red meant one week of looking fine then two weeks of an emerging white halo – not a great look at all – so I decided that as I was not ready to embrace white hair yet I would go blonde….

So now I think that I have come to the conclusion that all this orange around me is compensation for not having orange hair anymore.

Maybe now I understand it I can begin to let go of it a bit …….

6 thoughts on “How to go from liking to obsession in a few easy steps !”

  1. By the time I got to the bottom of this post, I am cracking up! Stu said to me tonight you look good in orange. And yes, the orange bag, shoes, sweaters, shirts, coat, jewelry, and my kitchen with orange! R U my doppelganger? I , the quotation reader, cite William Morris:
    “If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
    I guess that also applies to husbands and dogs 😉

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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