So this week I have ventured into the world of hybrid cars here in Eleuthera. I bought a secondhand hybrid car from the UK – because I wanted a right hand drive – and also because we had a good family connection to ensure a sensible and reliable buy. I actually bought the car at the end of October – it was shipped in early November firstly from the UK to Cartegena in Colombia and from Cartegena to Nassau. I know that was an unusual choice but the shipper had another car being sent to Nassau and apparently it is a pretty well used route. So a quick shoutout to Steve Dodder at Wells of Ealing and Jay Cutler at Cutler Freight for all their help in making this happen – thank you gentlemen for all your help and efficiency- you are much appreciated !
The car arrived in Nassau on Tuesday 12th January and was cleared through Customs and released on Friday. Of course one of the main reasons for buying a hybrid – apart from wanting to do my bit to help the environment – is the fact that duty on a hybrid is only 10% as opposed to 65% for a regular vehicle. Big incentive – right ? Carey’s Brokerage in Nassau handled the transaction without any problems so thank you to William Carey for that !

After a few nerve wracking hiccups the car was on the boat on Sunday morning and I proudly collected it from Hatchet Bay on Sunday afternoon. Well dear readers let me tell you it was love at first sight ! It is a Lexus NX300 Sport and she is fabulous …. A 2019 model it has all I want and more from a car. And after 16 years of driving old cars here it is such a joy to be in a lovely new safe and sturdy beauty.
Monday I got the car insured and licensed and away I go – I did feel giddy with excitement all day and actually achieved very little else – but those tasks can easily wait another day. Such a delight to feel so happy and joyful with my new purchase.

Of course I don’t really understand exactly how it works – I do know that it starts pretty silently with the electric doodah but how come I don’t have to plug it in to charge ? – I need a hybrid cars for Dummy’s book to help me understand it.
Anyway – a good few hours experience fiddling with buttons and whatnots to find my way around it and I should be fine – and then dig out a few CD’s to play in it. Apparently the demographic that Lexus are aiming for are the shall we say slightly more mature driver who still has a good CD collection – I heard that on a Youtube segment – not just the yoof streaming crowd !

OK – enough already about the new car.
We are working hard at Colman Towers on a couple of new projects to get the house looking it’s best. New replacement windows arrive next week so that will be a great job done. We had always meant to replace them from the start – but there was always something else to do on another job ! And the new bedroom and bathroom should be coming together very quickly now as well. Of course pictures to follow shortly…..
Just as an aside – last Sunday we had a quick lunch at the Surf Shack before picking up the car. If you find yourself in the area do try the amazing crab cakes and the best version of coleslaw I have ever eaten – made with red cabbage and some secret recipe ! Of course we were driving away before I even realized that I had not taken any pictures – so you will have to take my word about how delicious it was ……

Have a great weekend and see you all next week……

14 thoughts on “Into the world of hybrid cars in Eleuthera”
How it makes the electric power: the braking friction produces the electricity that is stored in the hybrid batteries. Well that’s how my 10+ year old hybrid works. Usually it takes less than 2 gallons of petrol for a round to Spanish Wells from Governors. Enjoy
Thank you Peggy – that is very helpful !
Hi, where is the Surf Shack?
In Gregory Town – right next to the tyre place and just about opposite the Island Gift Shop – fabulous food – and I highly recommend it….
Vroom vroom! The new wheels look good on you, Kathy. Enjoy 🙂
Thank you Alex – loving the new wheels ! xx
Kathy, a new car is always exciting but this one takes the top prize for innovation! Enjoy.
Love, Eileen.
Thank you Eileen – love to you too xx
Wow! That is one helluva ride. Now, make sure to drive safely. Your accident track record? LOL The difference in the duty is astounding.
You’re going to give me a ride, with no goggles though.
Absolutely – your ride is booked. Funnily enough I do drive this more slowly – well at the moment anyway – trying to keep it in the Eco-zone on the dial !
Smart and a good looking car. Enjoy the ride!
Thank you so much !
Congrats on the lovely new car. A hybrid certainly makes sense in Eleuthera especially with the lower duty.
Enjoy!!!!! Barbara
Yes it is a good idea given the difference in duty – I am really loving it ! keep safe and take care both of you xx