We have been having a lot of work done on Colman Towers in Eleuthera. Finally – after nearly 17 years – we are replacing all the old windows at Buena Vista. All the same sizes and proportions but hurricane proof and gloriously new supplied by Anderson Windows ! We have never been able to have the windows open – they were sash windows and most of them just didn’t work . Now we will be able to have them open and enjoy the fresh breezes and no bugs as they have screens of course …..

The house has evolved quite a lot during the time we have owned it. It was several years before Bob added the wrap around veranda to the west facing side – which did a lot to shade the windows on that side from the afternoon sun. And it protected the windows when it was stormy. It was during a couple of the hurricanes that we lost quite a few panes of glass on that side. They didn’t blow out with the force of the gusts – but as the gusts dropped it created a vacuum behind the shutters and they simply dropped out. The putty that was holding them in had long since dried out and just didn’t do its job anymore. So they were boarded over and we just lived with it for years !

The guys who work for us have been doing a really great job. They have removed the old windows with minimum mess and installed the new ones and then put new trim inside and out. Of course there has been some mess and disruption but all that can be dealt with given the delight of the new installation. Painting and making good is following on.

The new bathroom we have created is coming along really well – the tiling has been going on at the same time. Hopefully that will be finished in the next few days. So soon we will actually have a beautiful guest room and ensuite bathroom. Of course I am looking forward to furnishing it and making it look gorgeous !
It is a strain having workmen crawling all over the place – I didn’t mention did I that we are having all the outside of the house painted as well as the upstairs veranda re-surfaced and gussied up. So we are both looking forward to all the work being finished and having the place back to ourselves……

My solace as always are the afternoon walks with Rudge on the beach and sometimes I take my phone to be able to get some pictures. That beach still amazes me with it’s beauty – of course I am talking about French Leave Beach. It is a joy and a wonder and I thank my lucky stars that this is our closest beach – our beach – as we like to think of it !

Stay safe and take care and as always try to spread a little love and kindness wherever you can. Acknowledge the things in your life that give you joy through these tough times and talk about them with whoever you can …..
6 thoughts on “Work on Colman Towers in Eleuthera”
lovely and fun to see
and lovely to hear from you ……
Great footprint.
Yes it was – not mine !!
Wow! Great new windows! Good job. Fabulous photos, as well. Love the French Leave photos, always!
Thank you !