Lockdown in Lutra !

Well I must say I didn’t really see the lockdown in Lutra coming ! So we started off with the 9pm – 5am curfew – some businesses closed – but construction was exempt so we kept the big site we were working on open. The office was closed but the workers were on site as I said.

But come Monday evening we heard that the Prime Minister was going to make another speech on local TV. That was when he announced that there was a lockdown – only allowed out to go out to shop for food, go to the pharmacy , the bank and one and half hours exercise each day. All beaches closed – no gatherings of any kind. Plus no more international flights coming in to the country…… That was the part I was expecting – not the lockdown.

Burrows Food Store has risen to the occasion both speedily and extremely efficiently – you either take a written shopping list with you or you can WhatsApp the list or text it. They take the list inside and pick the order for while you wait outside. There are markers on the floor outside so you can keep your distance. They pop out if there are any queries – maybe they don’t have something in stock that you requested so they will offer an optional choice if available. Then you are shown your bill and you hand the cash over and change is brought out to you. Everything is packed in a cardboard box and loaded into your vehicle. Really well set up and executed – huge thanks to them for sorting this out so well.

The sign outside Burrows Food Store – note the marker you can see on the left behind the sign….

At Eleuthera Supply they have someone on the door who only allows 4 people in the store at one time – again the main thing is to keep your distance outside the store……

And so we soldier on ….. I have spent the last couple of days doing laundry and clearing up a couple of our places up here at Governors Estate. Of course the lock down means no cleaners can come in so it’s down to yours truly to get things sorted ……

This was Twin Coves on Monday afternoon before the lockdown

I can’t wait until those jobs are done and I can make a start on wardrobe sorting at our house. I have done some already but plenty to go still – putting aside items for alterations – items to give away – and the pile of why on earth was I holding on to this !! Then there is the attic and what I laughingly call the warehouse – but one step at a time.

I am definitely cooking a bit more these days – I have been chargrilling vegetables on my new George Foreman outdoor electric grill. My latest passion is broccoli – cut into small florets, tossed in sesame oil with salt and freshly ground black pepper – absolutely delicious in a quiche with blended up blue cheese – thank you Bacchus Fine Foods for this – a little cream, 5 eggs. – then bunged into a pastry shell – thank you Burrows Food Store -then baked for about 25 minutes. Try not to burn your mouth when tasting while it is still too hot !!!

French Leave beach at it’s most beautiful – low tide and not a soul in sight….
Just this to show someone had ridden by ….

So during this time I think it is important to notice the small details that we miss when we are rushing around. So the pictures this week are a few of those things……

This is a bloom from the shaving brush tree -isn’tit amazing ? The official name of the tree is Pseudobombax Ellipticum !!
And this is the bark of that tree….. Beautiful.

Gratitude and appreciation for what we have and can still enjoy are the order of the day – not dwelling on the limitations we are facing. I keep on thinking about war zones around the world where peoples lives are truly devastated and destroyed – who are we to complain because we have some restrictions to our normal way of life….. So count your blessings and remember how lucky you are…..

Glorious frangipani in bloom…..

16 thoughts on “Lockdown in Lutra !”

  1. Hi Kathy, I met you several years ago when I was visiting Leanne and Tim Mertz. They were staying in one of your lovely homes.

    I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I really look so forward to all your wonderful and interesting stories. It especially brings some light in my day during these awfully hard times.

    I live in North Carolina and things are pretty scary here. Many cases in my city alone! I hope beautiful Eleuthera is able to avoid the virus.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you are a bright spot for many! Stay safe and healthy and keep those stories coming!

    1. Thank you so much for this lovely message Lisa – a really uplifting comment. Sometimes it does feel like there is very little to write about – Bob – my husband – calls these blogs Much Ado About Nothing ! But feeling connected to places that have meant something – as well as people of course – is very important in these strange times. Stay focused on the good things in life as well as being aware and responding to the scary ones….. Kindest regards to you and those you love…..

  2. Good Morning Kathy,

    I too enjoy your reads, we have stayed at your Governor’s Estates a couple of times and love it. We have meet you many times while we were vacationing there and look forward to each and every time we have a quick chat with you. You have a calm and caring disposition.
    I can only wish we were quarantined in Eleuthera but instead we are quarantined in Ontario Canada. Don’t get me wrong, there are many other places that have it much worse than us without question but you can’t beat your beautiful warm breezes and sunshine. This is exactly why I have been there over 30 times now to date for every vacation I was lucky enough to take, I just haven’t found a way to stay there full time. Hopefully one day!
    We will all get through this together and when we do we will look back and hopefully most of us at least will have grown in a positive way. Mother nature is pissed and rightfully so, many humans have been very very bad, all in for themselves and what they can personally gain without regard for the consequences. For every action, there is a reaction.
    Anyway, you, Bob and loved ones stay safe and healthy.
    Angela Shaw, Ontario, Canada

    1. Such lovely words from you Angela – it is one of the gifts of this time that people do seem to be connecting more – and on a deeper level as well…. I totally agree that many of us have the opportunity to grow in a positive way and we can come out of this situation wiser and more importantly – kinder…… Stay safe yourself and we look forward to the day when we meet again here in Eleuthera ……

  3. Well said, Kathy, and kudos to the local businesses for accommodating shoppers in such a sensible way. Thank you for continuing to share thoughts, news, and photos from the world’s most beautiful island – it sustains us. Sean and I hope you, Bob, and the rest of our Eleutheran friends stay well! We miss you all and will return for a visit as soon as we can.

    1. How lovely to hear from you Ellen and to know that you are reading the blog….. Can’t wait to see you back here – love to you both xx

  4. I am proud of my adopted country and its beautiful people, locals and ex-pats alike. Remember: the island is alive, and strong, and with you as we survive, heal, and ultimately thrive. When in doubt, consult the island. She knows who you are. She knows.

  5. I’m certainly not complaining; but, the hardest part of our lock down is not being able to walk the gorgeous beach with my Havanese Jake….. btw, he’s not complaining too much……..

    1. Tell me about it – Rudge can’t understand why when I am around so much he is not being taken for a romp on the beach !!!!

  6. Hello Kathy,
    so true what you say. Often it´s just the little things in life.
    What is most important now is that people all over the world cooperate in fighting against this horrible virus. Hard to believe that it even has reached paradise (The Bahamas).

    Keep looking up and stay healthy. As we had to cancel our trip to Eleuthera for this year, I hope, we will meet there next year.

    Warm regards
    Sonja + Thorsten

    Karlsruhe / Germany

    1. Lovely to hear from you Sonja – so sorry that we will not be seeing you this year – but we all have to do our bit and get through this. Kindest regards and stay safe yourselves – so happy to know that you are reading the blog !!

  7. Hi Kathy and Bob,
    This is Susan from Judy, Joe and Susan LI NY . Well, about a month or so ago when a large beach picture mysterious fell off my living room wall at 3 am. I knew it was a bad sign. But this is beyond frightening. We can only pray it ends soon.
    We are beyond disappointed but hopefully we will be there next year and all will be well.
    Miss you and our beautiful place.
    Stay well and God speed.
    Susan, Judy and Joe

    1. Hi Susan – lovely to hear from you ! None of us could have predicted what is happening right now – but it just shows that we think we have control over our lives – but the reality is we don’t ! We are being mindful but not fearful about this. Looking forward to seeing you all next year ….. Stay safe and well…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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