Mary’s Solar Adventure in Eleuthera !

Yes – you read that right – Mary’s solar adventure in Eleuthera has become a reality ! We decided some months ago that my Mum Mary’s pool would be a good place to test out solar heating for the pool water – and finally it has been finished – well more or less …….

The framework was built – 20 feet long by 15 feet – and an angled area was constructed to house the panels. Pipework followed and all was connected up. Success ! – however because the nights are comparatively chilly here the pool does lose temperature overnight – and it will take a little bit of heating with the propane heater to get the pool up to temperature in the mornings…..

Keddy Culmer and Ray sorting out the pipework

But it is an experiment in progress at the moment and I’m sure we will be able to fine tune it as time goes on. Hopefully it will start to save a considerable amount of money that we currently spend on the propane.

You will notice that this week’s blog is considerably shorter than most and that is because both Bob and I have fallen victim to the horrible flu type virus that is laying so many people low. I am a few days in front of Bob with it – and it is beastly. we picked it up in Fort Lauderdale and I had to spend 2 days in bed over there – even missing out on meals out over there – so you know I must have been really sick !

This was the day before I came down with the lurgy – enjoying mushroom risotto at Cafe D’Angelo

It has left me with a really annoying cough and feeling very tired – and a lack of appetite ! Serious stuff ……

Some of you will have heard about the horrible serious accident that the Bacchus family were involved in on Friday night last week. Here is a link to the newspaper report in The Eleutheran. I am happy to tell you that Angelika is OK apart from a broken ankle and being severely shaken up. Dr Cliff Bacchus has a broken sternum and is now out of hospital in Nassau staying with his daughter and family. Dear Olga was the most severely injured – she has a broken leg, wrist and jaw obviously with considerable soft tissue damage. Our thoughts and prayers are with them for a full recovery. Of course one of the hardest things as anyone knows who has been involved in a bad car accident is the mental trauma and shock that takes a long time to go….. We wish them all well …….

2 thoughts on “Mary’s Solar Adventure in Eleuthera !”

  1. Donna Lee Kurkul

    Hope you both recuperate from your “lurgy.” Had to look THAT word up! They say the flu this year is worse than the Wuhan virus! Take care…it’ll take time.

    Sad news for the Bacchus family. Life can be tough enough without these circumstances. The Eleutheran didn’t say if the passing vehicle was driven by a visitor or local.

    We’ve got an ice storm now. One of those sit on your butt and slide down, don’t drive, down the driveway days.

    L,D xo

    PS that solar job is unique

    1. So glad we not anywhere where we would experience an ice-storm ! Take good care. The driver of the vehicle that crashed into the Bacchus’s was the new manager from French Leave Resort……

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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