October already and other stories …..

This week – it’s October already – can you believe it – and a couple of other stories….. The year is passing in a blur – it is so important to just pause on occasions and take a deep breath and enjoy the changes that the months bring.

The beach as pictured above has taken a pounding over the last couple of weeks. Rough seas have shifted huge amounts of sand around and brought in a lot of seaweed and way too much plastic waste. None of the beaches on the Atlantic side look their best at the moment – but at least the rough seas seem to have cooled the temperature of the water slightly so fingers crossed for a quiet hurricane season for all of us…..

In Buddhism – as I have told you before – there is a concept called Mudita – it means joy in the joy of others and Bob called the the other morning to tell me a wonderful story – nothing earth shattering – but for the 2 people involved it turned their lives from a very stressful period to a time when they could relax and be much more comfortable in their day to day existence. It made us feel so happy for them and in turn that makes us feel happy as well.

In these difficult and stressful times for so many people it is important to keep your eyes and ears open for a little dose of mudita !

The first celebration of Bob's birthday at 1648 with cake and kisses from the lovely Kelly
The first celebration of Bob’s birthday at 1648 with cake and kisses from the lovely Kelly

Saturday was Bob’s birthday as I mentioned last week – we had one celebration earlier in the week and then last Thursday we celebrated it again by being entertained in one of our apartments at Anchor Point ! Joel – one of Bob’s 2 sons – invited a few friends and cooked us all a truly delicious meal. It was a vegetarian lasagna with no pasta in it ! Instead of the pasta Joel used long finely sliced zucchini strips and it was a sensation. Cooking for friends and sharing time with them is a great gift to give and we both thoroughly enjoyed it.

Entertained at Anchor Point !
Entertained at Anchor Point !

On Friday we had to take a day trip to Nassau – not my favorite way to spend a day but sometimes it just has to be done. Bob delighted in the fact that he no longer has to take his shoes off to go through security – when you are 75 you are exempt ! It was very flattering as well because of course they all were shocked that he was 75 – well one day short anyway …..

Wearing proper shoes to head off to nassau for the day - I did have a pair of flip flops in my bag just in case !
Wearing proper shoes to head off to Nassau for the day – I did have a pair of flip flops in my bag just in case !

We had a great lunch that day at Mahogany House out by Lyford Cay. For anyone who has time to kill before a flight it is an ideal spot. 10 minutes drive from the airport and great food. Then a quick zip around Fresh Market stocking up on a few foodie treats and back on the afternoon flight.

Lobster and crab ravioli for me at mahogany House - Bob had steak et frites but that doesn't make such a good picture !
Lobster and crab ravioli for me at Mahogany House – Bob had steak et frites but that doesn’t make such a good picture !
And we shared this scrumptious spinach and mushroom dish
And we shared this scrumptious spinach and mushroom dish
The shoes lasted the full trip but cooling my feet off when we got back was very welcome !
The shoes lasted the full trip but cooling my feet off when we got back was very welcome ……

Coming up this Saturday there is the Walk for the Cure – this year organized by CIBC First Caribbean Bank to raise funds for cancer research. There are few people whose lives have not been touched in one way or another by cancer – either through family or friends – so I hope there is a good turnout for the walk. It is a great route this year. Starting at 7am from the branch of the bank right here in the centre of Governors Harbour – walking south on Queens highway, around Cupid’s Cay onto Bay Street, up BTC hill then down Buccaneer Hill and back to the bank.  Bob and I will be walking – so if you are on island then we hope to see you there…….

Have a great week and look out for mudita opportunities……

Rudge got loose the other day and chased after Ceci who leapt off the upstairs veranda, landed on the grass and promptly scooted up this palm tree.
Rudge got loose the other day and chased after Ceci who leapt off the upstairs veranda, landed on the grass and promptly scooted up this palm tree.
Yes - it's safe to come down now !
Yes – it’s safe to come down now !



8 thoughts on “October already and other stories …..”

  1. Donna Kurkul & Stu Cohen

    We love Ceci’s pictures and can’t wait to meet her! Too bad I can’t beam her fresh catnip in our gardens! I shall bring you seeds…
    Hail on Bob…

    ….and it is time to spend quality dog walking on the “Caribbean” side just now….flat as glass and a bit like the world’s largest infinity pool!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Oh my goodness – I need you to check my proof before I publish the blog. Why didn’t I spot that one ????? Apologies to your delicate sensibilities !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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