So the latest news is that anyone arriving in the Bahamas – by whatever means will be subject to a 14 day quarantine. Plus all inter island travel is now banned – so effectively we are closed ! Of course all our renters have had to cancel their trips – our last lot of renters will leave Yellow House on Monday – flying out to the US with good old Aztec Air. AND we have a tropical storm heading for us late this week – what next – a plague of locusts ???
This will be another holiday weekend here and the PM has mandated that we are on lockdown from Friday evening at 7pm until Tuesday morning at 5am. At the moment we have curfew every night from 7pm until 5am – but daytime things are pretty much normal – apart from the fact that all restaurants can only do take-out.
So on we go with these times of uncertainty – but we do feel fairly safe here. There are some unofficial cases of Covid here in Eleuthera now – but without testing available we cannot be sure. Most people seem to be behaving sensibly – wearing of masks and hand sanitizing are becoming the new norm. Suck it on up as they say in the Bahamas.

I have had fun over the last few days reading some 15 year old copies of Hello magazine – I was cleaning out a lock off closet in one of the houses and there was a pile of them – don’t even ask !! The funny thing is that they all feature pretty much the same people that they do these days. the Beckhams, Prince William and Kate , blah blah blah ! Nothing much has changed – still pretending to have the most aspirational lives when who knows what is going on beneath it all. A large pinch of salt with every page you read …. Of course the one great article featured our good friends in the UK – Ashley Brodin and his fabulous wife Jilly Johnson – couldn’t resist a quick picture of the spread …. I had no idea that they were featured in the magazine until I turned the page – a very happy surprise …..

Last Sunday I decided to cook a traditional English roast lunch. We have to eat it at lunchtime as we consume so much food that we need the rest of the day to digest it ! Roast chicken , stuffing, roast potatoes , cauliflower with cheese sauce, red cabbage, carrots, peas leeks and gravy – it was great and a good excuse to lay the table and gather round it with friends Clemens and Nancy as well as Mary of course. Plus there was enough left over for meals on wheels for Mary the next day….

So this will be a weekend of reading and eating – still finishing the book I wrote about – Dirt – but also enjoying a non-fiction book called – This Too Shall Pass by Julia Samuel – all about how we adapt to change in our lives – timely or what ? And looking out for interesting programs to watch – I have really enjoyed watching Lenox Hill on Netflix – a documentary series about a hospital in Manhattan. I was riveted …….

This weekend I think I will have some time to go through a lot of my old pictures – don’t you love how it brings back memories – and having them all on my laptop means I am not scrabbling around looking at piles of actual photos….
Find something to do this weekend that brings you joy – goodness knows we can all do with a good dose of that …..
I know I always tell you these days to be kind to each other – but remember to be extra kind to yourselves as well…..
12 thoughts on “14 day Quarantine For Anyone Arriving in the Bahamas”
Lovely pics… If you do see Bruce about it is AFTER his 14 days of quarantine.. on day 11!
Thinking you you guys xxx
So no sign of you coming back here yet ?
Love reading your blogs.
Always positive, fun and interesting.
Stay well !
That’s so nice to hear ! – thanks for commenting …..
Ahhh Would love back.. Challenges Stateside is getting your COVID test returned to be in compliance with Bahama 10 day requirement. Really rather distressing that it would even take that long, I mean really… then whats the point! One could have any type of exposure. I am taking care of things stateside for us.. Hoping to get down there when Bruce returns to States for lighting up the US Tennis Open in NY…at end of August.. As I tis the height of hurricane season wouldn’t want to be left out of that!
Lovely to read your blogs..
Oh goodness – sounds like a bit of a logistical nightmare !! Glad you enjoy the blogs…. Hope to see you sometime soon xx
so was the Covid brought in by travellers from the US?
Nobody really knows but the most likely scenario is that Bahamians traveling to the US for shopping trips when it all opened up again brought it back. The clusters in Grand Bahama suggest this….
Hi Kathy! How is my island fairing with the hurricane? Hopefully, just some wind and rain.
We are all pretty much prepared I think – obviously hoping that it runs out of steam and goes back to a tropical storm – but whatever happens we will get through it ….. Lovely to hear from you …..
I loved “Heat”. So was happy to learn of “Dirt”. Eager to read it. You might like one of my current reads, “From Scratch”. Love foodie books.
Oh great – thanks for the recommendation…..