A new skill, local boy makes good and a birthday celebration.

A few things to tell you this week about our life here in Eleuthera – learning a new skill for me, news of a local boy makes good in New York and a birthday celebration for Dan’s sister Kathy here in Governors Harbour.

First I want to tell you about my new skill – how to open a bottle of champagne ! For me learning a new skill has often been about conquering a fear – things that so many people take for granted but that are something I have avoided. There is a huge amount to write about when in my late twenties and early thirties I decided to acquire a new skill every year – but this is not the time or the place for that , instead I will tell you about the champagne opening. I know I am not alone in being more than wary about the champagne opening technique – losing too much of the drink itself when it spills right out – never mind taking someone’s eye out when popping the cork or damaging a priceless artifact.

Any road up – as they say in Yorkshire – last week Angelika and Sandy came for dinner and brought a lovely bottle of champagne with them which we quickly enjoyed. So when we decided to open a second one , I asked Sandy to give me a full tutorial and having had a confidence booster I listened carefully and followed her inspiring instructions – with of course her standing over me. Always put a cloth over the top of the bottle from when you take the foil off and undo the wire which holds the cork securely in place. Then gently twist the cork backwards and forwards until the heavenly sound of the pop signals that the cork is out and the champagne is ready to pour. No spillage and no accidents ! Seemed pretty sensible with Sandy at my shoulder – but the truth will be told when I do it without an expert there ….

Sorry – not a great picture of any of us but the champagne looks good !

Next on to our local boy makes good in New York story – this is about Yanni – Angelika Bacchus’s son. He is a great musician and plays in Lenny Kravitz’s band – or as I say – with tongue firmly in cheek – his band which happens to have Lenny in it !  Well this Monday – the first Monday in May – Yanni played in the band at the Met Gala in New York – how amazing is that at 22 years old ? We are so very happy for him and for his incredibly proud mum as well……  I have written before about joy in the joy of others , a concept which I love and encourage wherever I can as opposed to schadenfreude which is the opposite – taking delight in someone’s misfortune. Incidentally I am looking forward to reading what Brene Brown says about this concept in her new book Atlas of the Heart…….

Yanni on the left performing at the Met Gala with Lenny – just get on those boots eh ? We are all so happy for him ….

And now on to a lovely birthday celebration for Kathy Clavelle – our great friend Dan’s sister. Originally it was going to be a beach party but the day was rainy, blustery and grey – and so it was moved to Eileen and Ian Gray’s house in Governors Harbour. Very sadly Kathy’s husband Ray was unwell and so they were not able to attend – a birthday celebration without the birthday girl – but we did her proud and carried on with multiple toasts to her and enjoyed the party on her behalf. Surely it still counts as a birthday celebration even if the birthday girl is not able to attend – right ?

Such a lovely picture of Dan and Eileen who together did all the food for the party

The food was delicious and the prosecco was cold and plentiful – with an added dash of aperol all was well with the world.

Beautiful arrangement by Eileen
A happy gathering – poor Kathy and Ray missing out ….
This is me with Lyretta from Lanny’s Bar in Palmetto Point – it is where the men’s club meets on a Saturday lunchtime when members are in town ! Very privileged to be allowed to have a drink here !

And finally a couple of pictures of Sprawling Towers showing a bit of the hard landscaping going on ….

Garage end – closest to the road
Starting to define the driveway
Can’t wait to be parking under here ….


2 thoughts on “A new skill, local boy makes good and a birthday celebration.”

  1. Your home is really coming along quite nicely. Is the little building behind a home for your mother? Love all the pictures. Just had hip replacement would be grand if I was recouping on the island!! Enjoy the rest of the week!

    1. No – the smaller building is a studio for Bob to paint and sculpt in …. my Mum wanted to stay in her own house – she says it would be too much of an upheaval for her and as it is only 600 ft away then it will still be easy to be with her….. Good luck with your recovery from your hip replacement – yes the island would be an ideal spot wouldn’t it !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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