A Pictorial Blog This Week and Rudge’s Birthday

This week I am giving you a pictorial blog. Dr Claire Verden has taken such great pictures of the children at the Educators for Eleuthera Summer Camp that I wanted to share with you. And it was Rudge’s birthday on July 14th – as well of course as his brother Rufus – so a few doggy pictures to ooh and aah over. Plus of course an obligatory Sprawling Towers shot.

This is Dunaje and Kayla – 2 of the girls who attend the Centre for Exceptional Learners. At the start oof the program they were nervous and guarded – they had spent too long away from the company of others – doesn’t it make your heart sing to see them laughing and having a good time with each other?
And this is Ethan – a lovely boy with pretty severe learning disabilities. At the start of the camp he was tearful, angry ,withdrawn and reclusive – now look at him wearing Dr Claire Verden’s sunglasses for the picture laughing and being in the moment. A joy to see….
Relaxation after a yoga class – all quiet on the western front… Brilliant work from teacher Melissa .
This looks like fun.
Needs no caption – right ?
Recognize those glasses and the smile !
It lifts my heart to see what is happening over these weeks for the children of central Eleuthera. I am so very grateful to everyone who has played a part in making this happen – never to be forgotten….

And now some pictures of Rudge and Rufus – 5 years old now and getting better all the time. They were the most adorable puppies as you can see from the following pictures – happy birthday boys !

I mean irresistible or what ! just about 4 weeks old I think in this picture. We picked Rudge out because we knew with his markings we would recognize him 4 weeks on when we picked him up . Look at Jane in the bottom left hand corner of the picture – smiling and taking pictures !
Boys in the office – Rudge has pretty much consistently been forced to wear an orange collar all his life .
They have always liked to have a bit of a swim on their beach walks
My boy growing up
And suddenly they were 5 years old and had Xena to play with as well

Now a little bit of Sprawling Towers progress. Windows and most of the doors now ordered – but the lead times and supply chain is a bit of a nightmare at the moment because of the knock on effects of the pandemic – so a little compromise has to be the order of the day.

This is the view from the front door through the screened veranda and out to the ocean….

The walls are going up and I can stand where our bed will be and look out to the horizon- so much to dream about …..

Bob is still making progress , life goes on, and so it is . All is well ……

16 thoughts on “A Pictorial Blog This Week and Rudge’s Birthday”

  1. Callie Stingel

    We are headed to GH next Saturday. Is there anything we can bring for you? Love reading your weekly blog, keeps me in touch with our favorite place on earth! Can’t wait to be back again.

    1. That’s so kind – thank you but I cannot think of anything ! I hope you have a wonderful time …..

  2. I’d love for our 1 year old Border Collie Angelica to meet Rudge someday! Maybe plan a French Leave doggie meet and greet? We live here now and would love to finally meet you and Bob( when he’s up to it)

  3. Kristen Cooney

    Love love love your devotion to the wonderful island of Eleuthera. Stole my heart 7 years ago and it will always be my favorite. I admire you and all you do!

  4. What an uplifting post, Kathy! The beaming faces of those children is amazing as is the progress on Sprawling Towers! I certainly feel your pain on material compromises…

  5. omg i can’t even with those pictures of rudge and his brother as puppies!
    so. adorable.
    and so happy to hear in your previous post that bob is making progress towards his recovery. sending healing energy his way xox andria and ash

    1. Thanks so much – we are off to Nassau on Monday for him to get some scans and X-rays done to see how he is healing – fingers , legs and eyes crossed that it is going well and that he won’t need surgery …. Lovely to hear from you x

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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