A Pre Christmas trip to Fort Lauderdale

So this last weekend Bob and I took a pre Christmas trip to Fort Lauderdale – mainly to buy the Christmas presents for the 12 children at the Exceptional Learners Centre. It is a bit of a buying frenzy – we hit the stores usually with some type of list for them – but them it just turns into a mad dash around grabbing plenty of toys and goodies. Of course this time we had to carry everything back with us as the kids break up on Friday 15th ! So the cases were crammed full, along with extra bags – thank you Watermakers Air for allowing the extra baggage !

Of course no trip is complete without a visit to Ikea - and I just had to take a picture of this hungry tiger in the kitchen department !
Of course no trip is complete without a visit to Ikea – and I just had to take a picture of this hungry tiger in the kitchen department !

We also hit Home Depot for some new inflatable decorations – although I don’t think that we will ever top the 9 foot elephant with Santa on his back that we found last year ! Pictures next week when they are all installed…..

No trip is complete without plenty of good food either – well for me anyway ! So we enjoyed great meals at our favorite restaurants – One Door East and Valentino’s.

But the highlight was visiting good friends of ours – Jody and Henry – who have a beautiful home in Pompano. They are both great cooks and foodies as well – so we had a complete feast with them. Alaskan crab claws – huge and delicious with enormous baked potatoes, along with super fresh, super sized shrimp , cheeses and outrageous deserts….. Great food , great friends and Alexa as well ! – you know Amazon Alexa – you can ask her to play just about any kind of your favorite music, she will tell you a joke, time your cooking and a million other things as well. It was a really fun night.

With lovely friend and super hostess Jody.....
With lovely friend and super hostess Jody…..
Henry doing his this with the crab claws .....
Henry doing his this with the crab claws …..

As you know, I really believe that good friends are one of the greatest riches in life and to celebrate with good food in each other’s company is a joy…….. Thanks to Jody and Henry for a lovely memorable evening……

Get those devils in the pot !
Get those devils in the pot !

One of the tasks on my to-do list while we were away was to get a much needed haircut. At the moment that means a trip to Palm Beach – which is a bit of a schlep….. however this time we combined it with a visit to the new recently opened Restoration Hardware store in West Palm Beach. It is 3 floors of showroom and then on the 4th floor there is a restaurant and a coffee bar with outside lounging areas which we took advantage of to enjoy our coffee…… My only gripe is that now absolutely everything has to bought online – no picking up those perfect scented candles and other goodies – particularly at Christmas time – that used to make a visit to RH such a delight. But the store was great – lots of ideas and aspirational items !!

The outside of the new Restoration Hardware store in West Palm Beach
The outside of the new Restoration Hardware store in West Palm Beach
Lovely outdoor furniture in a great setting....
Lovely outdoor furniture in a great setting….
Bob and I enjoying a coffee in the roof garden on the 4th floor
Bob and I enjoying a coffee in the roof garden on the 4th floor
Absolutely loved this chandelier made with rock crystals .....
Absolutely loved this chandelier made with rock crystals …..

Another favorite spot we visited is the English food store – called Pond Hoppers – in Fort Lauderdale. It has been open for about 13 years and is run by a lovely chap called Rob – complete with a great Northern accent and a shop full of English delights. A short while ago I wrote about the Cadbury’s Chocolate Flake bars that were such a delight. This time we bought English bacon for Bob and a couple of big tubs of sweets for Christmas sharing !

The wonderful Pond Hoppers English food store in Fort lauderdale
The wonderful Pond Hoppers English food store in Fort Lauderdale
Not sure what to buy next !
Not sure what to buy next ! and wearing a lovely warm sweater as it was pretty darn cold !

We had a very busy time and loaded everything up at Seacor for it to be shipped over here. then the fun starts – sorting and unpacking.

This week we have the Christmas Pizza party for the Exceptional Learners – so plenty of pictures of that next week……

I loved this bowl of sedums that was on the table in the roof garden at Restoration Hardware.....
I loved this bowl of sedums that was on the table in the roof garden at Restoration Hardware…..


4 thoughts on “A Pre Christmas trip to Fort Lauderdale”

  1. I too was attracted to the Marmite on the shelf.
    I was first introduced to “Marmite on Fried Bread” whilst at English boarding school many moons ago – during the early 1950’s.
    I always keep an ample supply here in Eleuthera.
    As you say ou either love it or hate it!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Now you are talking – fried bread is a delicacy not many people here would know about or understand ! We love it but hold the marmite for me please….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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