A visit to Bacchus Healthcare in Spanish Wells.

This week Bob and I made a visit to Bacchus Healthcare in Spanish Wells. It was a beautiful warm sunny day and I drove us up there in my lovely new car ! This is it’s longest journey yet and it was absolutely perfect … Anyway that is incidental ….. Bob had an appointment to have several – in the end quite a lot – pre-cancerous patches on his forehead and neck lasered off. Dr Bacchus has his laser machine up in Spanish Wells so it was a good excuse for a day out.

The expert and the patient !

The Bacchus Healthcare facility there is always busy and if you live on island and need a procedure that includes lasering then this is the place to go.

That has to hurt a bit right ? Local anaesthetic but even so it is a tender spot !

The lasering took a fair while to do and we decided to have an early lunch there before driving back. we went to Eagles Nest right next door to Bacchus Healthcare and ate a couple of huge plates of grouper fingers and fries. The grouper fingers were done with breadcrumbs rather than batter and they were delicious – I thought I would be bringing some back with me but somehow my plate was empty ! No picture for the usual reason that I was at least halfway through before I remembered …..

Reception area and the lovely Angelika Bacchus who organizes all the appointments – call her on 242 470 9019 if you need to book in.

At Colman Towers we decided that it would be a good idea to put in an outside staircase to go up to the roof deck. Up until now access has only been through the attic which is not ideal at all – given the huge collection of stuff that has accumulated up there. The view is spectacular from up there on the roof and after a sunset drink on the new roof deck at Sweetcorn House I did manage to persuade Bob what a great idea it would be to have the same at our house.

First part on the way up ….

So within a couple of days we had the first flight of stairs and a landing in place – this coming weekend we should be able to get the second one done. Absolutely can’t wait to get up there ! There is a 360 degree view which is so beautiful. Should be a great selling point don’t you think ?

Soon on to this stage with the first landing and first coat of paint
The view from the first landing looking at the Atlantic side

Our good friend Amanda had a lovely lunch party last weekend. Great food, champagne and lovely company – it was a real treat to mix with a few local friends. We are so very lucky to be in this safe little bubble and we all treat this safety with respect and feel enormous gratitude for it.

Such an elegant table setting.
Mum and I of course.
Huge thanks to Angelika Bacchus for a really great picture of Bob – and with pink champagne in the foreground what more could I ask for !
Now this is not a good picture of Amanda at all – she is a very beautiful elegant woman and this does her no justice – but it is a thank you for her gracious invitation and joyous lunch party – I wish I had a better picture – sorry !

The weather has turned warm again and we are enjoying those afternoon beach walks – swimsuit weather some days this week and maybe a dip in the sea one day soon !

So eternally thankful for days like this !

8 thoughts on “A visit to Bacchus Healthcare in Spanish Wells.”

  1. Your posts are always welcome! We miss our island home and can’t wait to make up time once we get vaccinated and cleared to travel! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Another amazing blog! Kathy, question: for the pre-cancers on Bob. Is the laser the same as freezing them?

    We had a roof deck on our house in the desert. It made the house!

    You and Mom look incredible! I always love the beach scenes! No matter what; they make the memories flood in.

    1. I’m not really sure about the freezing versus laser but I think the laser can go deeper …… It makes me happy that you always enjoy the blogs – thank you so much for commenting !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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