So here we are – April already and we just made another quick trip to Fort Lauderdale. News also of a beautiful feast by Bacchus Fine Foods but first news of that trip.
I had to have a quick check-up with the orthodontist and collect my next set of Invisalign trays which all went very well. The Doctor asked me if I was wearing the trays as I should – and I told him that I was hideously motivated to do so – why would anyone pay the money and then not do as they are supposed to ? i don’t understand why people think that rebelling and not wearing them as they should is going to get the results they want ???? I can see a difference already but there is still a good way to go. The app on my phone tells me I have 224 days to a perfect smile – ha – we shall see. Anyway – all went well and I go back again in another 12 weeks . Yes it can be a pain having to slip off to the bathroom to remove the trays when you want to eat or dink anything other than water but it has to be worth it in the long run.
After that we went to choose another wooden floor for Sprawling Towers because the one we had previously chosen was no longer available. We found one straight away and both agreed on it so that was an easy chore to tick off the list.

Lunch then a haircut at Ouidad which was much needed. I think a lot of us experience that thing of your hair being great for a good time then all of a sudden it seems in desperate need of a good pruning – right ? Chad gave me a great haircut and a couple of recommendations for restaurants for next time we are over there. We didn’t have any startlingly good meals on this trip – all a bit ‘meh’ – but it can’t be fabulous all the time can it ?
We stayed as usual at the Sonesta and this time definitely took things much more easily and rested and relaxed a whole lot more. There is something wonderfully decadent about stretching out on the bed on a rainy Friday afternoon and being entertained by silly reels on Instagram. Chewing gum for the mind …..

We flew back on Saturday – always with Aztec – such an easy way to travel and then Sunday we went to a drinks party at Sweetcorn House – now owned by the lovely couple Marcie and Martin Weber. They had family over from Germany for a joyful family wedding and we got to meet them all. This was where the beautiful feast from Bacchus Fine Foods comes in . Angelika and her team prepared a sensational buffet feast – all laid out on a huge board which was then carefully wrapped in cling film and delivered over to Sweetcorn House. Cold cuts – great cheeses – dips and my particular favorite – turkey empanadas and spanakopita pastries. It is a sensational sight and a great way to feed a gathering of friends and family.

At Sprawling Towers progress continues – have a look at the photos I have taken.

Nothing else exciting to tell you – the days get warmer as we all expect – it is just glorious here at the moment. There are plenty of visitors – old friends returning as well as people discovering the delights of the island for the first time. Fish Fry sounds like it is back in the groove again although I am taking other people’s word for that !
Have a great week – take care of yourselves and value the time that you spend with those you love, like or are even indifferent to. It is a privilege denied to so many people in the areas of conflict around the world …. Be grateful for your health if it is good and be kind to those experiencing difficulties with their own health. Good health is a gift it is so very easy to take for granted until it is no longer there. Next week I will tell you about a former renter of ours who has written a book about his journey with throat cancer and what helped him through it all….

1 thought on “April and another trip to the US plus BFF does it again”
Loved seeing you and Bob last month at Eileen’s …hope to get my tour of sprawling towers next time. Best Elise