So if you have been wondering how we are filling our time while on lockdown in Eleuthera here is all the latest news !!!! Not very exciting – no sensational memoir writing or navel gazing – nor getting into training for the 2021 Olympics – now that’s something to ponder …. What sport would it be ? Synchronised swimming ? or just wait until there is an Olympic eating competition ? Definitely nothing to do with running for sure – I don’t mind how long I walk for but running has never had any appeal for me !

Anyway a little news on what I have been doing. Of course I am able to go in the apartments and houses up here at Colman Towers and I noticed that some of the bathroom towels were looking a little tired. Nothing wrong with them but the sunlight makes them fade like crazy and some had been used at the pools so they were marked by the chlorine. Well a week or 2 ago when I was sorting out my laundry room I found some packs of fabric dye so I decided to have a go at dying the towels in the washing machine. I’m not sure if my US readers know about Dylon fabric dye – but I love it. I usually have black and navy so I can revamp faded pants and dresses – but I found that I had red and a great turquoise color as well.
Highly successful all round – refreshed towels and more space in the cupboard ! The secret is not to put too much fabric in the load if you want a strong intense color – so I have ordered some more to keep on working my way through them all…..

Last week while taking Rudge for a walk I let him off the lead for a free run around and he ended up getting in a fight with a couple of other semi- wild dogs. They are potcakes bred with pitbulls so they are pretty aggressive – they seemed to come from nowhere but Rudge was the one who initiated the fight and needless to say came off the worst. I saw a couple of grazes on his legs which were not serious but it was not until Friday night that I saw a nasty puncture and tear on his hind leg that under normal circumstances would have meant a trip to the vet ……..

Long story short on Saturday we trimmed the hair around the wound and tried to seal it with surgical glue – but it had been open for too long by this stage. Katie Frost was very kind and lent us an inflatable collar to stop him from being able to get at it – and it is slowly healing. What a drama !!!!

Don’t you absolutely love it when you find the perfect book at exactly the right time ? I have just had that with a book that came on a shipment I received the other week. I had read about it somewhere on line and decided to order it. It is about wabi sabi – a Japanese philosophy that is about seeing the beauty in imperfection, appreciating simplicity and accepting that change is inevitable. How pertinent is that for this time !
The book is called Wabi Sabi – Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life and it is written by a British author called Beth Kempton. She is a Japanologist – her word not mine – and I am loving reading it. It is written as a guide to teach you how to embrace the principles and use them in your life. It doesn’t need to be as prescriptive as it sometimes seems – but in understanding the basic tenets of it there is a beautiful and gentle wisdom that has the most timely quality…….
Soulful simplicity and perfect imperfection – don’t you absolutely love this !
Stay safe and well dear friends and do remember kindness to everybody at all times ….

8 thoughts on “Filling our time on lockdown in Eleuthera”
Hello Cathy, I hope you and Bob and your Mom are doing well. All well in my world and I have everything I need. Food. Good books. Music and toilet paper. I enjoy your blog and words of wisdom and photos. This pandemic will pass and my hope is that the world will reboot to a better place where there will be more love and kindness and a better appreciation of what we have. Xoxoxo ❤️
How lovely to hear from you – I totally agree that hopefully there will be more love and kindness when this is over….. And very pleased to hear that you have everything you need for now…. xx
Me again. Thank you for your blog Kathy. I helps me try to get out of ‘myself’ during these unsettling times. And to try to remember that the victims of covid19 ARE victims and not crazies out to infect the world. Scary times up here in Bobcaygeon. So many have died at a nursing home up here. No need to post – I just wanted to say thank you!
Lovely to hear from you Caryn – take care and keep reading !
Rufus and Xena are jealous and wonder if they can get one of those inflatable collars too!
Lime green and maybe orange?
I need to research this ! New team look !
I thought the beaches were closed? Are you able to walk and swim as long as no one is around(on Eleutheran beaches that’s the norm!)Praying this is over very soon and all will be well as Julian of Norwich said.How is Ceci doing?
You are allowed to walk on the beaches with or without dogs ! Police here on island have confirmed that is OK in Eleuthera. No sitting, congregating or socializing – but it is pretty much empty at the times I take Rudge….. Ceci is a joy – such a funny cat – she bosses Rudge around something wicked ! Keep well and stay safe…..