Mooching into March in Eleuthera

So here we are mooching into March in Eleuthera – the clocks go forward on Saturday night and the lighter evenings and darker mornings will be with us. Whether you like it or not – and Mary I am thinking of you ! – that is what is happening so we have to just suck it on up …….

I had to work late at the office one day this week – and I was rewarded with this fabulous view of the setting sun ……

There are a few events coming up shortly so I want to bring you up to date on those…..

Firstly on the weekend of March 14th there is the annual Ride And Run For Hope event. This is always well attended – not only can you ride anything between 1 mile and 100 miles – but you can also run or walk a 5km , 10km, half marathon or full marathon…. Click on this link to see the website for the event…..

Also on Saturday 14th March there is the 7th Annual Hope Ball organized by the Cancer Society of Eleuthera to be held at Workers House. This is a lovely gathering celebrating Cancer Survivors as well as remembering those we have lost…. A lovely excuse for people to put on their finest and have a great time.

Very importantly there is a fundraiser for the HACE ambulance coming up at La Bougainvillea – as soon as I have a date I will make sure to publicize it.

Coming up at the beginning of April the annual Art in the Park event will be held at the Leon Levy Preserve – more details of that to follow.

Early supper at 1648 Bar and Grille with our good friends from Canada Jody and Henry Stone….
It was a fun evening as you can see…..

I read a great post on FaceBook the other day and thought I would share it with you. Thanks by the way to Melinda Bacchus-Maynard as it was she who posted it …..

It is called 40 days – 40 Items

Instead of giving up something for Lent this year why not try the 40 days – 40 items challenge ? Each day of Lent remove one item from your house which you don’t use or wear anymore and place it in a bag. At the end of Lent donate these items to a charity shop or to a homeless shelter. They will be shared with those who really need them.

Don’t you think this is a great idea ? I am doing it myself – and although we don’t have a homeless shelter here we have plenty of people all around us who will benefit from the donations. I am sorting through ridiculous amounts of stuff that we have accumulated in various locations and taking what is needed to our new storage facility where I can actually see what we have – so I am pretty sure that I will have a great deal more than 40 items.

A lot of of people are now reviewing what they have – especially clothing and household goods – what a great way to begin the culling of possessions process…… Just need to know when to stop !!

Good luck with your own culling process.

I had already passed on quite a few items and I was a bit worried that the people I passed them on to might be slightly offended at having been given less than perfect things – but today one of the recipients thanked me profusely for everything I had given her and told me how she had passed things on to family and friends. So now I have no misgivings about handing out bags of unwanted items – and our house is beginning to breathe a sigh of relief …….

The dogs having a great tug of war with washed up rope…..
and Xena 12 months ago exactly !
– just one more because you can never have too many pictures of puppies – right ?

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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