News this week that the Colmans got jabbed in Eleuthera. Yes – we have the Covid vaccine here – thanks to the government of India who donated a lot of vaccines to the countries of the Caribbean – and so we have had our first part of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine.

It’s official …..

We heard last Sunday that a certain amount of doses were being brought to the island and that it was for front line workers and those over 65 – yippee – that meant us. I called the government clinic in Palmetto Point and registered over the phone and was told to arrive between 9.30 and 10 the next morning. Well we decided to get there a little earlier – 9.15 and the place was already jam packed.

Mr Philip Bethel – the first person to get the vaccine today at the Palmetto Point Clinic

We got properly registered and waited until we were called – by having my Mum with us I have to admit that we probably got special treatment. I got a wheelchair for her from the clinic and as we were all waiting outside they allowed us to take her into the shade and slipped us in !

I know that not everybody is that keen to get the vaccine but certainly the people in Eleuthera seem pretty keen. I feel sure that in the future unless you can prove that you have been vaccinated then international travel will be much more difficult.

This is possibly one of the most boring pictures I have taken – actually there were loads of people here – but this picture is just of the backs of a few people – rubbish ! Note to self – must do better !!

It was a great day for me – surprise vaccination and a long overdue haircut !

Work is progressing at Sprawling Towers – the footings have been poured and in the next day or so they will start laying the blocks. On Saturday we are looking forward to a meeting with Ethan from the Levy Preserve about the planting plan for the land around the house. It will save a lot of time, money and wasted effort by talking to someone who really knows what will work well regarding the trees we plant…..

Thanks to Dom Cant for these great drone shots – looks like an archeological dig but actually it is the first trenches cut for the foundations !
Bob in serious discussion ….

I am so excited about our new home – every night before I go to sleep I walk around the new house and gardens in my head – I feel like I already know it so well !

You may just remember a shot from November 2019 of Bob cradling a picture of his JCB waiting for it to be shipped to Eleuthera – well here it is again doing sterling work at Sprawling Towers
And here it is again moving blocks around the sloping site…..

Well this weekend is of course Easter and we are looking forward to having a couple of days break and talking about the new house !! But we wish you all a Happy Easter and a a safe time if you are traveling…..

Just take a look at this gorgeous chap – he is the son of Dewonia who works in the Colman Design office. He is EDIBLE !! but heavy…..
Oh I love looking at these pictures – sorry !

8 thoughts on “The Colmans get jabbed !”

  1. Kathy, interesting that you say that you walk around your new house and gardens in your head. I always did this when we bought a new house. I placed furniture, books, paintings and even filled the kitchen cupboards. Perhaps this is a thing? Could be an interesting piece of research….
    Enjoy your dreams. Eileen x

    1. Yes – I know that not everyone can see things like this but it is such fun when you can – right ? It is definitely to do with the idea of spatial awareness but much more as well…..Lovely to hear from you x

    1. That’s a tough question – I’m sure that both are good. I am hoping to use Levy Preserve, Doyle Sands and Dorothy at Awesome Blossoms in Savannah Sound – I think that trying to share our business around the island is a good idea. I know that Clyde Bethel has a wealth of local knowledge that is very valuable.

    1. Actually that should be Fawlty Towers and absolutely not ! We want happiness and harmony not strife and nothing faulty thank you ….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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