Well this week we have been working like billy-o to install 2 new kitchens and watch the royal wedding ! Busy times at the top of the hill in Governors Harbour.
The kitchen in the downstairs apartment at the Peach House was looking a little shabby – it has been in for 13 years now – amazing how the time has flown by ! The layout is exactly the same but with new cabinetry and the white stone countertops we have used at Anchor Point. The all white kitchen looks fresh and clean – just what you want in a rental property.
We have also put in a new sectional sofa – new lamps, curtains and a new rug – very spiffy ! It is always a race against time between rentals – and this time we lost a day because our renters wanted to come in a day early ! Yikes….. Still waiting on the delivery of the new fridge – so finished pictures to follow…..
Sweetcorn also needed a refit. The butcher block countertops had worked well – but the cabinets were showing signs of wear and tear – we do have a lot of people passing through . Also I decided that a 30″ oven was a much better idea than the smaller 24″ we had before. Sometimes visitors want to cook a turkey at Thanksgiving or Christmas and the previous one was a bit too small. In the UK pretty much all of the ovens are only 24″ wide but we are used to the extra space now. A variation on the countertops – but still stone – well composite stone is what I actually mean – and some colored tiling give it a much needed boost…..

We also had to replace 2 windows in the living area which was a hugely messy affair – but better to get it all done at once. Just waiting on the cooker hood then all done and dusted.
So no great after pictures yet – at the time of writing we are still working away to get it all finished and looking good ! Next week I promise ……
Now the Royal Wedding ! What a delight. We were ready to watch it online from about 6.15am – and what a treat. It is always a pleasure to see a joyful occasion and this certainly was one to remember. Loved the dress – simple stylish and very, very elegant – and what a wonderful example of grace and happiness she was. Harry was dashing in his uniform and to see their obvious love for each other was heart lifting. To all of those of you out there still looking for your own Meghan or Harry – do not give up….

Aliv – the phone company had a little hat competition amongst their staff in honor of the royal wedding. The girls wore a beautiful hat each and you cast a vote to choose the best. It was a close run thing and both girls looked very glamorous and stylish – all they needed was to get out of their uniforms and they would have been totally ready for the big day !

We had a fabulous meal at Bacchus Fine Foods this week – roasted vegetables and a very tasty quinoa salad along with lots of other delights – and great company. Yanni – Angelika’s son – joined us for dinner with friends Brooke, Will and Andrew and regaled us with tales of his amazing travels in India. A really enjoyable night hearing lots of interesting stories from everyone….

We also had a fun night at a secret location on the island. A friend has a private bar – designed and built by RFC – Bob ! – and we went over for a few drinks and New York chat with our lovely friend Daniel….. Conversation was wide, varied and at times hilarious – he is always great company. Well read, witty and with a wicked sense of humor , plus that New York ironic interpretation of situations and people – all the ingredients for a good time !

We are so very lucky on this island to have a great variety of friends whose company we relish when they are here – and DR you are right up there ……