Walk for the Cure in Eleuthera, pizza & dogs !

So Saturday saw a good sized group of us meeting up at 7am outside CIBC First Caribbean Bank in Governors Harbour to Walk For the Cure Eleuthera. This walk raises money locally here on the island to help support people with cancer – paying for traveling expenses etc. When someone in your family has cancer it is a super stressful time for everybody so to be able to know that you are going to get a little financial help is a great thing.

The early morning light coming up on Cupid's Cay
The early morning light coming up on Cupid’s Cay
A good collection of folks before the walk started.
A good collection of folks before the walk started.

We set off from the bank and walked south on Queen’s Highway past Highway Service Station and then turning back to walk along the road that passes the Catholic Church and also Anchor Point apartments. All the way down then a lap of Cupid’s Cay – back along the road around the harbour – up the down hill then down the uphill – got it ? It took one hour and at that time of day was very pleasant. Well apart from the up the hill part ! That is always tough going  – but it was great to touch base with familiar faces and have a catch up with a couple.

Two young girls walking for the cure - well doing a bit of running actually....
Two young girls walking for the cure – well doing a bit of running actually….
Jason Thompson with the HACE ambulance - out on the Cay - just in case.....
Jason Thompson with the HACE ambulance – out on the Cay – just in case…..
This young dog walked the whole course - no-one had any idea who it belonged to but it had a lovely jaunty morning walk with us all....
This young dog walked the whole course – no-one had any idea who it belonged to but it had a lovely jaunty morning walk with us all….

We had been out the night before – there was a pizza night at La Bougainvillea – but thankfully we had not stayed out too late …… The pizzas from the wood fired oven were really delicious. The seafood special was particularly good as was the vegetarian Rustica. We were a group of 11 and it was fun ……

Now that's what you call a wood burning pizza oven - at La Bougainvillea
Now that’s what you call a wood burning pizza oven – at La Bougainvillea
Delicious seafood pizza
Delicious seafood pizza
A fun night with some of the usual suspects !
A fun night with some of the usual suspects !
And a couple more .....
And a couple more …..

A day or 2 before I had driven down with Bob to see how work is coming on at Jack’s Bay. It was a glorious day – but with plenty of wind coming in off the Atlantic. The restaurant / bar is moving on.

The view from the rear deck area - or what will be - looking to the north over the Tiger Woods golf course
The view from the rear deck area – or what will be – looking to the north over the Tiger Woods golf course
Cracking on....
Cracking on….
Just look how sheltered Jack's Bay is
Just look how sheltered Jack’s Bay is
Glorious view to the south
Glorious view to the south


The views are just spectacular and it is going to be fabulous !

And finally a dog picture - Rudge and Rufus doing their favorite thing ....
And finally a dog picture – Rudge and Rufus doing their favorite thing ….


If you find yourself in Bacchus Fine Foods and hungry - why not try the mediterranean platter - I can tell you it is delicious....
If you find yourself in Bacchus Fine Foods and hungry – why not try the mediterranean platter – I can tell you it is delicious….

8 thoughts on “Walk for the Cure in Eleuthera, pizza & dogs !”

  1. Every time I see your food pictures, I droooool!
    Looking forward to going down to eat at Jack’s Bay when I get to Eleuthera.
    Frankly, Stu and I hope the course gets done so we can play it while we are able!!!
    The future designs for the area are spectacular.
    Glad for your reporting! Yes…up the down and vice verse 😉

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Oh I’m pleased to hear that as sometimes I think it must get pretty boring ! The restaurant at Jack’s bay will not be open for this upcoming visit – but next year ……


        I think that all good ideas begin by sounding preposterous; next thing you know we are walking on the moon.

        Let’s talk NYC and “Bruce”!

        Occasional blog antagonist and dear friend

  2. Dear Kathy,

    You have really outdone yourself with this blog! Beautiful photographs! I appreciate them more than I can say. And, for the first time since the change, I was able to open your blog in the Google browser. Thank you!
    Always feel homesick and hungry after seeing your photos!

    XX Camilla Ross

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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